Matt Shea and SV City Council Event

Dear Group,

Matt Shea (WA State Rep, Legislative District 4, Spokane valley to the ID/WA border and north to Mount Spokane) is a blight on our region in Washington State governance and a blight on our region’s national and international reputation. He remains in office in part because many voters in LD4 remain unaware of Matt Shea’s character, only aware he is the incumbent with the cute campaign signs sporting a green shamrock. The other alternative, that he remains in office because voters in LD4 actually endorse this man for what he is, is too distasteful to contemplate. 

There is now an entire website,, dedicated to assembling a history of Shea’s antics as covered periodically in local, national, and even international media. His connections with wing nut conspiracy theory and the Christian Identity movement; and his manifesto, The Biblical Basis for War, are also covered in my earlier emails. Even the very Republican Spokane Spokesman Review withheld its endorsement from Shea in 2018 (Mr. Cowles could not bring himself to endorse Shea’s Democratic opponent either). 

Lately, some of Shea’s former supporters and bodyguards for Mr. Shea have shone a light on Shea’s beliefs, character and intent, questioning Shea’s claim to “Christian” values given his associations and writings. One of these men is Tanner Rowe, mentioned in the blurb I’ve copied below. Come on out tomorrow evening and show your support for decency in Spokane Valley. Help publicize what this man Shea is and why he a disgrace as a legislator. Share the links. Discuss with your neighbors. Incumbents, no matter how awful, don’t dislodge without an electorate that is aware.




Recognition of Tanner Rowe for exposing WA State Rep. Matt Shea’s

 “Biblical Basis for War” document

WHEN: Tuesday, July 2, 5PM

WHERE: Spokane Valley City Hall (10210 E Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley, WA 99206)


 On Tuesday, July 2, a vigil will be held at 5pm prior to the Spokane Valley City Council’s meeting in front of the Spokane Valley City Hall (10210 E Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley, WA 99206). Faith Leaders and Leaders of Conscience will be speaking about the moral need to heal the Spokane Valley’s reputation from the damage done by those advocating Christian extremism.  Christian leaders intend to talk about how Christian extremism does not represent the teachings of the Christian faith.  The vigil is also intended to remind elected officials to vigorously denounce Christian Identity politics as both anti-Christian and un-American. 


Also, Tanner Rowe (a former WA State Representative Matt Shea supporter and body guard), will be recognized for his courage in speaking out against Shea.  Rowe exposed Shea’s document, the “Biblical Basis for War”.  The document is a “how to” manual consistent with the ideology and operating philosophy of the Christian Identity/Aryan Nations movement and the Redoubt movement of the 1990s.

Keep to the high ground,
