“Find-the-Facts” Wendle

No kidding. Cindy Wendle is campaigning for City Council President on a platform of “We need to find the facts.” Ms, Wendle, you are running against Breean Beggs, a man with a full command of the facts. If you need to go looking for them, you need to do so before you run.

“Spokane City Council president race narrows to contest between two very different candidates” appeared in the August 7th Spokesman. It might better have read “Spokane City Council president race narrows to contest between a candidate who has studied the issues and one who still needs to study them.” Wendle restates questions and pretends they are answers. Beggs has a plan. He is already enmeshed in the governmental mechanics of addressing the issues based on facts, while Ms. Wendle is planning, in her own words “to go find out what really the heck is going on.”

On the front page of the Saturday, October 26th, Spokesman in “City Council president candidates Breean Beggs and Cindy Wendle on the record, on the issues.” Wendle does a repeat performance.

A selection of her responses from the article [the bold is mine]:

To a question on current rules for public comment at City Council meetings:

Wendle has not made a decision yet, but said the council needs to make sure that everybody is heard and that “there are people that seem really frustrated that they haven’t been able to have their voices heard.”

To a question on developer Larry Stone’s proposal to put the Spokane Transit downtown station underground:

Wendle said solutions for the city’s problems are “going to come from all over the board” but that she would be very “hesitant to say yes or no on something that expensive.” It would likely have to go to a public vote, she added.

On the current 20% on sewer, water, and trash service:

Wendle said she would have to further analyze the details before committing to a position.

On the voter approved tax levy that increased the number of police downtown and prevented some cuts to firefighting staffing:

Wendle didn’t say whether she supported the tax but criticized the levy for not fully funding equipment for new officers. If that equipment is not funded, it will reduce the number of new officers funded through the levy, Wendle said.  [Of course, a Republican cannot be on record supporting a tax. That is a no, no.]

On the redesign of North Monroe Street and East Sprague:

Wendle said the city may not know the redesigns’ full impact yet, and is looking forward to see what long-term data comes from the redesigns’ transformation. Moving forward, when the city considers such projects it should ensure “we’re looking at traffic impact on surrounding neighborhoods and work with them more.”

On tax incentives for housing development:

Wendle said the city is in need of housing supply, and needs to look at every tool available in its toolbox. “I’m in favor of looking at every option,” she said.

Please read the article for Breean Beggs’ detailed, reasoned answers.

Ms. Wendle demonstrates a glaring lack of preparation for the office she is seeking. Beggs has done his homework. Vote for Breean. Point out the Spokesman article to friends. Share on social media. Join the campaign to Get Out the Vote. See below.

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         We know that this election is winnable, but we also know that it will take a sustained effort knocking on doors, waving signs, and making phone calls over the next 2 and a half weeks to defeat the tsunami of outside spending.

Canvassing is the single best way to increase voter turnout, and we need your help to combat the hundreds-of-hours of paid canvassing our opponent has received. Can you canvass with us at one of the following times to Get Out The Vote?

Tuesdays from 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM.
Wednesdays from 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM.
Thursdays from 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM.
Saturday from 10 AM – 1 PM
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          We meet at 1912 N Division St. (inside the Teamsters Building) for training and assignments, and hope to see you there! If you are able to join, just email us at campaign@electbeggs.com, or sign up through the link below.
