Not Just “Christian” Nationalism
Last Friday and Saturday, September 16 and 17, the “ReAwaken America Tour” attracted an audience of devoted MAGA Republicans to the State Line Speedway in Post Falls. These are the people upon whose votes local Republican politicians depend, the people to whom local Republicans vying for elective offices must nod and wink as they dodge and weave around straightforward questions like “Do you acknowledge that President Biden is the legitimately and fairly elected President?” Worse, many local Republicans, including, for example, Bob McCaslin, Jr., the Republican candidate running as a challenger to Spokane County Auditor Vicky Dalton; Rob Chase, current Washington State Representative from LD4 (Spokane valley north to Mt. Spokane); and former State Representative Matt Shea, actively promote the narrative of election fraud that is deeply intertwined with Flynn’s “ReAwaken America Tour”.
The media coverage of “ReAwaken America” in Post Falls was sparse. KXLY ran a 3 minute segment on September 16. It is relatively balanced and worth watching. It focuses on “Christian nationalism” as if what Flynn is peddling were just another revivalist brand of Christianity. Instead, Flynn’s show, aggressively and shamelessly marketed by Clay Clark, is packed with conspiracy theories and misinformation interlaced with enough revivalist-style Evangelicalism to cloak the whole thing in a patina of Christianity. The Christian revivalist star of my youth, Rev. Billy Graham, would be turning over in his grave were he faced with what Flynn and Clark are selling.
The ReAwaken America poster hints that any one or several of roughly sixty right wing personalities might speak at Flynn’s tour, including Mike Lindell, Senator Josh Hawley, Senator Lindsey Graham, and Roger Stone. Regardless, the KXLY coverage noted only three: Clay Clark, the shameless promoter of the Tour; the Trump-pardoned, QAnon-endorsing felon, Michael Flynn; and “Dr.” Stella Immanuel. Dr. Stella blends promotion of her Bethel Revival Ranch in Texas, fringe ideas about treating a variety of illnesses, her career as the pastor and founder of Fire Power Ministries, and lectures on Deliverance From Spirit Husbands and Spirit Wives (Incubus and Succubus)with her preaching to the Flynn Faithful on these ReAwaken Tours. Evidently, holding an M.D. from the University of Calabar, Nigeria, offers no guarantee that the holder understands or respects the science of medicine.

It is impossible to overstate the fear-mongering and division, the Us (the “Christian” forces of good) v. them (everyone else) narrative Flynn and Clark are peddling. Billy Graham preached unity and Christian charity. Flynn and Clark and company base their show in an imaginary struggle between what they peddle as the “The Great Awakening” and “The Great Reset,” “The Great Awakening” obviously harkins to the Christian “revivals” of the last several centuries. “The Great Reset” is easy to breeze by without understanding the fantasy it masks. “The Great Reset” is a conspiracy narrative integral to Flynn’s and Clark’s message. Its content shines light on the reason Flynn’s Tour attracts so many of a certain “Evangelical” type the like of Matt Shea, Rob Chase, and Bob McCaslin. The Great Reset conspiracy theory bounces off of genuine plan discussed at the World Economic Forum for economic recovery following the pandemic. The conspiracy version claims this group of world leaders orchestrated the Covid-19 pandemic to take control of the global economy. “The Great Reset” is a direct descendant of “The New World Order” conspiracy pushed from Evangelical pulpits based on the book written by Pat Robertson, the Southern Baptist preacher and one time Presidential candidate, that was published in 1991. Robertson claimed “that the rise of this one-world conspiracy is being guided by Satan to fulfill the predictions of premillennial Christian eschatology, viewing it [the supposed existence of the New World Order] as a sign that the end times are nearing.” All this is just a short distance from narratives like the Rothschild Conspiracy, the late 19th and early 20th century idea that the Jewish Rothschild family controls our lives through the world’s banking system, an idea that, in part, animated the Holocaust. It should be no surprise that Clay Clark’s “Great ReAwakening” poster associates photos of George Soros (a man of Jewish descent) and Yuval Noah Harari (an Israeli intellectual) with the “Great Reset” conspiracy.
Being sucked into Flynn’s and Clark’s quagmire of conspiracy requires only the time and gullibility to passively listen to internet videos presenting talking heads who hold forth as the trustworthy experts who must know far more of the details than you, the viewer. (After all, they’re presented with glamorous backdrops, just like Fox News.) Each video links to the next in a chain leading down the rabbit hole, reading not required, ignorance rewarded, critical thinking and inquiry actively discouraged.
One of my readers shared an email they received in response to a texted inquiry about tickets for the Post Falls show. I copied and pasted it below. I urge you to peruse the linked offerings and briefly check out one or a few of the linked videos to get a flavor of the offered fare. Flynn, Clark, and company are making money by aggressively marketing and selling mind rot conspiracy theories cloaked in the rhetoric of a “Christianity” I do not recognize.
That these are the people that local Republicans approve of and (at the very least) dare not offend ought to make to make every voter examine carefully the allegiances of every Republican on the ballot this fall. There is mind rot on display here that ought not be dismissed.
Keep to the high ground,
September 14 Email Response from the ReAwaken American boiler-room in response to a texted inquiry about tickets for the Post Falls Flynn “Tour”:
Hey Boss,
Thank you for requesting a ticket to General Flynn’s ReAwaken America Tour!
11 URGENT Updates:
- Watch the ReAwaken America Tour Documentary featuring General Flynn, Mike Lindell, Mel K, etc. for FREE at
- We are in a battle between The Great ReAwakening and The Great Reset. The Great Reset is being led by Yuval Noah Harari and Klaus Schwab. To learn more about this EPIC battle between good and evil, you can download Clay Clark’s most recent book for free by clicking here or buy the book by clicking here.
- Ticket requests are flying in!!! A member of our teaming will be calling you ASAP, however you can text 918-851-0102 for FASTER service.
- Find the ReAwaken America Documentary, ReAwaken America T-Shirts, hoodies, books and more at:
- Are you looking for a COVID-19 vaccine religious exemption? Request COVID-19 vaccine religious exemptions:
- Are you looking to join the Airline Injunction Action against the COVID-19 vaccine mandate?:
- Are you looking for 100% Affordable & Effective COVID-19 Treatments? Go to:
- – 7,000 COVID-19 Patients (3 Deaths)
- www.Sherwood.TV – 9,000 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths)
- – 3,200 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths)
- Want to learn how to effectively homeschool your kids?
- Looking for jobs that don’t require the COVID-19 vaccine? Hiring employees that don’t want to take the vaccine?
- ReAwaken America Tour Speaker Include / Have Included: General Flynn, Mike Lindell, Texas Attorney General of Texas Ken Paxton, Charlie Kirk, Chad Prather, Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller, Robert Kennedy Jr., Ian Smith, Roger Stone, Melissa Tate, Dave Scarlett, Senator Wendy Rogers, Doctor Richard Bartlett, Gene Ho, Patrick Byrne, Scott McCay, Anna Khait, Sam Sorbo, Doctor Mark Sherwood, Attorney Thomas Renz, Doctor Stella Emmanuel, Attorney Leigh Dundas, Doctor Jim Meehan, Sheriff Vic Regalado, Joey Gilbert, Doctor Sherri Tenpenny, Doctor Rob Marsh, Leila Centner, Lori Gregory, Charleen Bollinger, Del Bigtree, Kevin Jenkins, Doctor Carrie Madej, Doctor Judy Mikovits, Steve Maxwell, Doctor Eric Nepute, Alfie Oakes, Sidney Powell, Doctor Alan Keyes, Pastor Artur Pawlowski, Mike Provenzano, Doctor Shannon Kroner, Doctor Andy Wakefeld, Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer, Amanda Grace, Doctor Cordie Williams, Pastor Mark Burns,etc.
- Download a Free Copy of Clay Clark’s Newest Book – The Great Reset vs the Great Awakening