Homelessness–Constructive Community Efforts

NOT “The Ozzie and Nadine Show”

A couple of dozen City of Spokane and Spokane County law enforcement officers, under the leadership of outgoing Sheriff of Spokane County Ozzie Knezovich, are expending taxpayers’ money as they pass out out-of-date literature and threaten the people of Camp Hope with a date indefinite that they plan to clear the camp. Meanwhile, a growing number of citizens are paying attention to the issue and actually working on the human needs of the homeless community—affordable housing. 

Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 13, at 5:30-7 pm at the Hive at 2904 E Sprague Ave (and on Zoom) the non-partisan League of Women Voters of Spokane Area will hold its December Meeting. The meeting (full advertisement below) will be led by the LWV’s Affordable Housing and Homeless Solutions Committee and will feature speakers from local groups deeply involved in ameliorating local homelessness. 

I encourage you to attend in person or by Zoom. It seems evident that Mayor Woodward’s and Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich’s pre-occupation with clearing Camp Hope is a misdirection, a poor example of leadership. They are concentrated on dismantling a camp that is an enduring symbol of the policy failure of the Mayor’s office. The issue of homelessness is not amenable solely to the one-size-fits-all approach exemplified by the Trent warehouse (TRAC). It is going to take a village… 

Please attend LWV of Spokane meeting either in person or on Zoom. Get better acquainted with some better solutions arising from community leadership. 

Keep to the high ground,


December General Meeting With Our AHHS

Jennifer Calvert, Affordable Housing and Homeless Solutions Committee

The Affordable Housing and Homeless Solutions committee is excited to be presenting the program for the December LWV of Spokane Area general meeting. Our very busy committee members have been reaching out to leaders of organizations who provide services for the unhoused citizens in our community as we continue to research problems and solutions to the housing crisis in the Spokane area.

Meagan Vincello and Zeke Smith of the Empire Health foundation, and Sarah Ben Olson and Jonas Hawk from the New Hope Resource Center will speak at the meeting.

We will discuss transitional housing and look at Spokane Valley’s homeless plan and accomplishments with its outreach team.

A committee member who has held various roles while working at Catholic Charities of Eastern Washington will share her thoughts and perspective on the positives and the downsides of “housing first” programs based on her own first-hand experience.

We invite you to join us in person on Tuesday, December 13, at 5:30 pm at The Hive, located at 2904 E. Sprague Ave. You also have the option to join the meeting via zoom.

We encourage you to bring gloves, hats, socks, scarves, coats and other warm winter gear to share with those less fortunate, and we will be happy to share them where they are most needed.

Tuesday, December 13th, 5:30- 7:00 pm

Location: The Hive (A Spokane Public Library)

Event Room A

2904 E Sprague Ave

Spokane, WA 99202 OR

LWV Spokane is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


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