Tom Foley Legacy Dinner and the County Dems

Time to pitch in

The Spokane County Democrats are rebuilding the party under the able leadership of Carmela Conroy. The need for a strong local Democratic Party is made glaringly obvious as the local and national Republican parties have shifted further and further toward ownership by its extreme right wing. It is a right wing characterized by Christian nationalism, white supremacy, and disdain for, anger over, and desire to control all other points of view; a right wing that shouts “Freedom!” even as it makes a mockery of the word by banning books, curtailing voting rights, banning medical care, restricting the right of women to control their own bodies, and destroying public education.

This March 11th, just three weeks from now, for the first time since 2019 (thanks to Covid), the Spokane County Democrats are holding their signature fundraising Tom Foley Legacy Dinner. The Dinner is an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of Democrats in the State of Washington and reassert freedom from the tyranny of the extreme right wing’s dreams of theocratic leadership.

The Tom Foley Legacy Dinner list of featured speakers has expanded (click the names for extended bios):

Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson, a brilliant man quietly responsible for much good that happens on the legal front in the State of Washington;

Washington State Treasurer Mike Pellicciotti, the only Democratic candidate for any statewide executive office in the United States to defeat a Republican incumbent in 2020, a man since responsible for saving the State of Washington $370 million dollars by refinancing state debt.

Shasti Conrad (she/her), the up-and-coming, newly-elected chair of the Washington State Democrats. She brings impressive skill to the chair and she is the youngest and first woman of color to be elected chair of the WA Dems. 

And underpinning it all, Heather Foley, Tom Foley’s wife and support for many decades. 

The Foley Dinner is a major fundraising event for the Spokane Dems. This fall we face municipal elections that will determine the makeup of the City of Spokane City Council, the Council Presidency, and the Mayorship. (And similar positions in many other municipalities.) Buying a ticket and attending the Foley Dinner is an opportunity to support the Dems in getting the word out about these important elections while helping to rebuild the local party.

Click here for more details and tickets. (Clicking in the ad below doesn’t work on account of the method I had to use to copy it.)

To close, a word from Carmela Conroy, chairperson of the Spokane County Dems:

This year is an “off year election,” but it’s an incredibly important year for the elections that most directly affect our daily lives.  Will our mayors be people who cruelly sweep from the public eye our neighbors who’ve been overwhelmed by overlapping pandemics and the housing shortage, or people who work across boundaries and disciplines to address suffering in our communities?  Will school boards be dominated by White Christian Nationalists, or people who believe that public education should include science, critical thinking, and history that accurately describes how our nation came to be, warts and all?  Will fire and water districts operate as though what we’ve always known will always be, or take into account the latest understanding of the climate crisis?

Keep to the high ground,