Let’s Celebrate Small Victories
It is Christmas Day. As the forces of economic eviction render increasing numbers of our citizens homeless, a few, thanks to dedicated, inspired, and tireless helping hands, find a home. Dan Simonson posted what follows below on his locally-focused Substack, ShelterSpokane (click to visit and join). My post today is a share of a share—and a must read. It made me tear up—and reminded me how appropriate such stories should be to the Christmas season—and all year long.
For orientation: Jewels Helping Hands (JHH) is a local nonprofit that has given support, organization, and a voice to the local homeless. Under the able, hands-on leadership of Julie Garcia, JHH was instrumental in managing Camp Hope and (earlier, before the City closed it) the Cannon Street Shelter. JHH grew organically out of Julie Garcia’s personal efforts to reach out to the homeless starting somewhere around 2018. Her work is based on a combination of her faith and familial experience. In a media climate where the soon-to-be-former Mayor of Spokane and the former Spokane County Sheriff were quick to accuse and condemn, I have had the honor to interact on a number of occasions with Julie Garcia; her husband and JHH’s accountant, Jason Green; and some of the JHH team they have supported and pulled together. I have the utmost respect for their integrity, as well as a tremendous amount of commitment and hard work.
The stories shared below are small victories for the dedicated individuals lending a Helping Hand—and huge victories for these folks newly blessed with a roof over their heads—victories worth celebrating. I encourage you to visit Jewels Helping Hands website here. Donate if you can. Check out the videos. (Note that Maurice Smith, whose words appeared in last Friday’s post, is the documentarian/videographer.)
Merry Christmas and
Keep to the high ground,
Christmas Stories from Jewels Helping Hands
It is the season to reflect on these stories of heartbreak and healing
December 23, 2023
Ms Julie Garcia <jewelshelpinghandsspokane@gmail.com> posted to the Jewels Helping Hands’ Facebook page
(ed. [i.e. Dan Simonson’s] note: be advised – this photo of the little girl sweeping the floor of her new home made me burst into tears. Bless us all, but please bless this little one…):

We [Jewels Helping Hands] got them in a home just in time for Christmas.
My team is fire!
This day has been so emotional.
Today I am thankful to get to be the helper that could have changed my life so many years ago. I used to be this woman, a single mom just trying to survive.
My heart is full.
Watching this beautiful child sweep the entrance to her new home made my entire Christmas. Thank you all who helped and donated. This is what community is supposed to look like.

Ken and I [pictured above] had the pleasure of moving this man into his temporary home. We moved him into a Green House today. We picked him up and he was right where we agreed he’d be today. He said goodbye as his peers cheered for his exit. On our way to the house he told me he has been waiting for this for 16 years. We took him shopping for his necessities and some food to cook. After we set up his bed and he began to settle he told me he was sure he would wake up tomorrow and this wouldn’t be real.
It’s real.
He spoke of his life before homelessness and he said words like “when I get to see my family” and “when……”. Hope. Hope that his life will be better someday. That he is deserving of good as well.
May we wish for others what we wish for ourselves and those we love. Today was an amazing day.
Merry Christmas from ShelterSpokane!!

Dan and Nettie Simonson