“The crowd answered, ‘I curse you in the name of Jesus!‘”
That vile eruption from the crowd at The Church at Planned Parenthood, a subsidiary of the Covenant Church, was led by a visiting activist last August. It was quoted in Shawn Vestal’s Sunday, February 2 column in the Spokesman entitled “Noisy nights at Planned Parenthood lead to year of conflict between clinic, police,” a piece everyone ought to read for the awareness it brings.
“I curse you in the name of Jesus.” is just plain wrong, wrong by any measure of Christianity and certainly wrong by any measure of the Christianity in which I was brought up. Romans 12:14, “Bless and curse not.” is what I was taught. I can find no justification cursing in His name. These people are off the rails.
It is time to pay attention to what these people represent and the people and local politicians that adhere to them.
The Covenant Church (and Covenant Christian School) is not off in the back woods. It is at 3506 W Princeton Ave, on the near north side, just south of Wellesley Ave. It looks like a pretty standard brick church from the outside. However, unlike most christian churches, many Christians I know would not be welcome. Pastor Peters, at a Friday night gathering at Covenant Church in early January, a gathering entitled “Exposing leftism… push-back night!” preached, “Leftism is a poison, it destroys homes, it destroys church, in fact, it destroys entire denominations.” (07:20 in the video). Much later (at 02:15:00) he declared, “I don’t want Democrats in my church, unless they repent. We’ll give ’em six months. You can be in our church for six months, then you need to repent.” He is not joking.
Everyone who is Christian or feels they have Christian values or religious roots of any kind ought to spend a little time watching this video and then decide for themselves who these people are. Pick out a few choice sentences. Share them with friends.
Here’s the link: https://www.facebook.com/ccspokane/videos/558229091429169/
The roughly two hour twenty minute program can be divided into segments.
The first half hour (up to 32 minutes in) sets the tone, with singing by Gabe Blomgren and a female vocalist, followed by the preaching of Pastor Peters and guest Pastor John Schrock (Airway Heights).
The second half hour (32 to 58 minutes) is a performance by former Spokane Valley Councilman Caleb Collier and Gabe Blomgren (the latter says, “I work for the John Birch Society.”) of “Church and State,” a far right local Facebook broadcast that often hosts Matt Shea.
From 0:58 to 1:25 is Bill Jasper, resident of Coeur d’Alene and “Senior Writer” of New American Magazine (internet and print) speaks.
The last hour (from 1:30) is a “sermon” by Rep Matt Shea himself.
The entire program is about division, not about any Christian value I was taught. It is about not listening to anyone who stands outside the their little fold. It is a cult, a Fundamentalist political cult that is Christian only by self-acclamation. If the vast majority of people who call themselves Christian actually can watch this video and not feel ill, then we are, as a country, in real trouble.
Take note that frequent fliers in this group, Mike Fagan (former City of Spokane Councilperson), Caleb Collier (former City of Spokane Valley Councilperson), and Matt Shea (still Legislative District 4 WA State Rep) have served or still serve in public office. Voters need to pay better attention to the underpinnings of those they vote into office. I do not like the message of these people but in this country they are free to voice it. I just don’t want one of them representing me in public office.
Keep to the high ground,