Vote!–and Notes

Ballot Turn-in deadline next Tuesday

Opening Note: As always, anything underlined in this email is a link to more information, some of which are analyses I’ve previously published. 

I expect that most of the readers of The High Ground (these emails) have already filled out the ballot they received and either deposited it in one of the Drop Boxes (which saves the county the cost of postage) or dropped it in the mail (at no direct cost to the voter). If you haven’t voted, please do so. I encourage you to touch base with people you know and remind them to vote, too. 

The Republican blare machine fueled by uber-wealthy (mostly) real estate interests has spent a record amount of money flooding the airwaves, our mailboxes, social media, and phone lines with vile misinformation and distortion this election season, all in the hope of stirring up fear and loathing to stimulate a certain kind of voter turnout. It is a carefully honed tactic. Don’t let them succeed. Vote and encourage your friends to do the same. 

Shout Out to the investigative journalism of RANGE Media

Luke Baumgarten and Aaron Hedge each published an article yesterday (Thursday, November 2) that is well worth your time to read. Aaron’s article, How to spot an ad paid for by special interest groups, is a terrific guide to the garbage that is filling up your mailbox. Luke’s article, More than anywhere in Washington state, private wealth is fueling candidates in Spokane, reveals the jaw-dropping concentration of money brought to bear on this year’s City of Spokane municipal elections. Luke has worked through mountains of publicly available, but hard to navigate, Public Disclosure Commission (PDC)data to present a startling picture of this year’s “independent” expenditures. Please click on each of those articles, read them, share them, and sign up for a paid subscription to RANGE. (You can read RANGE for free, but they deserve our support.)

One must wonder why the City of Spokane has become such a target. Consider that Spokane is the seat of power of the Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers political machine, the machine of the two remaining Republican U.S. Representatives from Washington State (the other is Dan Newhouse, just west of us). Is all this money and organization brought to bear on our local election the result of a lingering grudge? Is this payback from the McMorris Rodgers machine for the audacity of Lisa Brown in challenging CMR for her congressional seat in 2018? 

We are facing another winter—and, once again, the Woodward administration is careening into winter without an adequate plan to provide emergency shelter. Woodward, who, ran for mayor on the issue of homelessness in 2019, is a month past the September 30 legal deadline to publish a plan for emergency warming, cooling, and safe air shelters for next year—yet another example of what happens when you hire a newscaster with scant administrative experience to run a city. See Erin Sellers’ excellent article on this issue, also at RANGE Media. Let’s elect a mayor, Lisa Brown, who has abundant experience in administration. 

Below, for convenience, I have pasted the same voting recommendations I’ve sent out before. Here’s the link to the list of some of the positive (and negative) voting guides I consulted.

Vote! and 

Keep to the High Ground,


Ballot Measures:

Here is an excellent RANGE Media piece on both these measures

City of Spokane Proposition 1 NO (link)

Spokane County Measure 1 NO (link)

Spokane County Recommendations 2023

City of Spokane

Mayor: Lisa Brown Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 10.8.2023

Spokane City Council 

President: Betsy WilkersonVoters Guide  Spokesman Review 10.11.2023

District 1: Lindsey Shaw  Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 9.29.2023

District 2: Paul Dillon Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 9.25.2023

District 3: Kitty Klitzke Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 9.18.2023

Cheney City Council

Position 2: Rebecca Long  Voters Guide Spokesman Review 10.10.2023

Position 6: Jacquelyn Belock  Voters Guide Spokesman Review 10.10.2023

City of Liberty Lake

Mayor: Cris Kaminskas  Voters Guide

Liberty Lake City Council

Position 1: Linda M Ball  Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 9.15.2023

Position 3: Dan Dunne   Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 8.25.2023

Position 4: Travis Scott  Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 10.10.2023

Position 5:     Annie Kurtz Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 9.21.2023

Position 6: Michael Hamblet  Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 9.20.2023

Position 7: Teresa Tapao-Hunt  Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 9.12.2023

Spokane Valley City Council

Position 6: Tim Hattenburg  Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 2023  Spokesman Review 6.4.23  Spokesman Review 9.17.2023

Spokane Valley Fire Department

Commissioner #5: George Orr  Voters Guide  

Spokane County Water District 

Commissioner #3:  Mary Wissink Voters Guide

School Board Recommendations:

School board races are particularly fraught—and often challenging to research. The recommendations listed below for many of the school board contests in eastern Washington were assembled from a variety of sources by public school advocates led by Petra Hoy. (The municipal candidates recommended below are almost entirely in agreement with the Progressive Voters Guide. They are presented again as a bonus.)


Central Valley School District 

Director, District 1: Cindy McMullen  Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 9.11.2023

Director, District 3: Debra L Long  Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 9.24.2023

Director, District 4: Keith Clark  Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 9.20.2023

Cheney School District

Director, District 2:   Elizabeth Winer  Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 10.9.2023

Director, District 3:  Henry C. Browne Jr.  Voters Guide  

Director District 4:  John Boerger Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 9.29.2023

Director District 5:  Mitch Swenson  Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 9.30.2023

Mead School Board 

District 2:  Denny Denholm Voters Guide Spokesman Review 9.10.2023  Spokesman Review 9.28.2023

District 3: Jaime Stacy Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 9.18.2023

District 4:  David Knaggs Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 9.10.2023

Spokane School Board District 81

Director Position 5:  Mike Wiser  Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 2023 Spokesman Review 9.26.2023

Nine Mile Fall School District

Director Position 3:  Kirsten Foose  Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 9.23.2023

Medical Lake School District

District 2:  Alexis Alexander  Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 10.6.2023

District 3:  Laura Elliot Parsons  Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 10.4.2023

District 4:  Ron Cooper Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 9.26.2023

Deer Park School District

District 5  Eric Keller  Voters Guide  Spokesman Review 9.22.2023



District 3 Jim Cannon Voters Guide


Director At Large #4  Thomas (Chip) Johnson  Voters Guide

[District 3 Write-in candidate Debbie Stewart, recommended by a respected reader of The High Ground who is familiar with the race.]


Kennewick School District 17

Director 3 Michael Connors Voters Guide

Director 5  Lisa Peppard  Voters Guide

Richland School District 400

Director No. 3  Chelsie Beck  Voters Guide

Director Nol 4   Katrina Waters Voters Guide

Director No. 5  Jill Oldson  Voters Guide



Director District #2  Aurora Flores  Voters Guide



Director, District 3  Maria Antonia R. Erickson  Voters Guide