Her response: Drill, dig up, and burn more fossil fuels!
Last Thursday, December 14th, members of the U.S. House left for a three week holiday recess. Meanwhile, Ukrainian troops are running out of ammoand the U.S. Senate remains in overtime session. The Senate is trying to iron out a compromise to pass legislation to provide the desperately needed military aid. Why is this so hard, when there supposedly exists bipartisan support in both houses of the U.S. Congress to pass this funding? Republicans in Congress are holding the aid package hostage to an unrelated demand to return to the Trumpian version of border security. The demand is embodied in H.R.2, passed by the House on May 11, 2023. H.R.2’s first requirement is an immediate restart of border wall construction. H.R.2 passed with all but two Republican and zero Democratic votes. Of course, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-CD5, eastern Washington) voted Yea. H.R.2 never had a chance of passing the Senate, but it remains as the price House Republicans demand to authorize money for Ukrainian soldiers to continue to hold off Vladimir Putin’s territorial ambitions. The Republicans, including McMorris Rodgers, left for recess as the Ukrainian military fights on in the cold and dark. These Republicans celebrate the holiday in their warm homes with their families while Putin crows that the West is losing interest.
Last week, hopping mad, I messaged McMorris Rodgers over her and her House Republican compatriots’ complicity in this tragedy. A number of my readers did the same—and I imagine that those who did received the same email reply that I pasted below. It did nothing to assuage my anger and frustration. In fact, it made it worse. Not only does she claim to support Ukraine against Putin—but she switches topics to her sponsored bill, H.R. 6858, deceptively dubbed “The American Energy Independence from Russia Act”. She writes, “This is how we crush Putin’s war chest, restore our energy dominance, stand by Ukraine and our allies, and create jobs here at home.” Horse manure. H.R. 6858 is nothing more than a gift to her fossil fuel supporters and a nod to her climate denial and Dominianist theology. The only good news here is that McMorris Rodgers introduced H.R. 6858 a year and a half ago (02/28/2022) and it has gone nowhere. And this is her excuse for going out on recess while Ukrainians freeze as she claims to support them?
Keep to the high ground,
Thank you for contacting me about the the war in Ukraine. I appreciate you taking the time to reach out to my office.
I believe the United States has a responsibility to hold Vladimir Putin accountable for his unlawful invasion of Ukraine. The United States can and should do more to help the people of Ukraine in their fight with more sanctions, more security assistance, and more defense equipment.
We promised freedom-loving Ukrainians we would help them defend against aggression nearly 30 years ago when they voluntarily shut down their nuclear arsenal. Putin will not stop in Ukraine, so our commitment to freedom and self-determination cannot and should not waver. If America is not strong in this moment, we risk facing catastrophic consequences around the world.
I also understand the concerns about the amount of money Congress has authorized in support of Ukraine’s defense. I have always believed every penny of taxpayer money should be subject to the scrutiny of the American people, which is why I have – and will continue to – closely evaluate any legislation that sends money to Ukraine. Law recently enacted in May 2022 requires the Secretaries of State and Defense to report descriptions of U.S. security assistance provided to Ukraine on a monthly basis. These reports are traditionally delivered to the committees in the House and Senate that have jurisdiction over defense and foreign affairs issues. If you’re interested, you can read more about the assistance the U.S. has provided to Ukraine inthis report from the Congressional Research Service.
As Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, I am focused on the impact that the Biden administration’s energy policies are having on the conflict in Ukraine and geopolitical stability. For America to be a diplomatic power, we must be a military power. To be a military power, we must be an economic power. Energy is foundational to it all. It’s clearer now than ever what is at stake when a rush-to-green agenda and anti-American energy policies make the world more dependent on Russian oil and natural gas.
My goal is to flip the switch on American energy and bolster our energy security with my bill, the American Energy Independence from Russia Act (H.R. 6858). This is how we crush Putin’s war chest, restore our energy dominance, stand by Ukraine and our allies, and create jobs here at home.
Please know as your advocate in Congress, my top priority is to listen to you and lead on solutions you can count on. Please stay in touch. I send out a regular update that gives you an inside look at my week ahead. You can subscribe by clicking here.Sincerely,

Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Member of Congress