And…did he really say that? Yes, he did.
Vote. Don’t wait until the last minute. Ballots are due in by 8PM August 6th, a week from tomorrow. The Progressive Voters Guide is very useful. Once you vote, urge other like-minded people to do their homework and vote as well. Many of our choices on the November General Election Ballot are determined by this Primary. Don’t sit this out or, thanks to our “top two” primary system in Washington State, you could be presented with two entirely unpalatable choices in November in some races.
For more details about registering, voting, and ballot turn-in in Spokane County click here. A day or two after you turn in your ballot check at the portal to confirm that your ballot has been received and accepted. If you haven’t received your ballot by now (or it is lost in piles of junk mail), you can still vote using a “Replacement Ballot” accessible at Don’t delay.
And on the topic of voting:
Did he really say that?
Speaking at the Turning Point USA’s “The Believers Summit” in West Palm Beach, Florida, last Friday, July 26th, Donald Trump said the authoritarian quiet part out loud. Near the end of his hour long rambling presentation to an assemblage of his adoring true believers of outright lies, insults, fabrications, and general horse manure Trump uttered these words:
“And again, Christians get out and vote. Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, y’know what. It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore my beautiful Christians. I love you Christians. I’m not(?) Christian. I love you. Get out. Ya gotta get out and vote. In four years you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good you’re not gonna have to vote.”
Many of you have seen this quote presented by other Substack writers. I first saw it (with commentary) in Heather Cox Richardson’s Letters From an American the next morning. Trump is blatantly announcing his intent, if he returns to power, to either dismantle or rig subsequent elections. As an admirer of Orban, Putin, and Xi we had best believe what he is plainly saying.
You can watch the whole speech here on YouTube. I watched the whole sordid presentation to make sure the quote wasn’t somehow taken out of context. It was not. The quote appears near the end of the speech at 54:28.
This quote should have been a headline in every major newspaper in the U.S. and the world—but, alas, if covered at all, it was mostly dismissed as “Trump being Trump”. No doubt Trumps surrogates, when asked, will downplay Trump’s plain words as Trumpian exaggeration. Think back to January 6th—and forward to the plans laid out by Project 2025 and the Supreme Court’s immunity decision.
Spread this quote and the video link. We must not let this man back into the White House.
Keep to the high ground,