Rejoice! Join the Parade! Local Politics in Action

Dear Group,

Everybody loves a parade, right? Well, here’s your chance…a great chance to participate, get out in the great community of eastern Washington, and make a positive, joyous political statement. There is a long tradition of politicians marching in parades, smiling, and “kissing babies.” It is a tradition Democrats used to engage in with gusto. It’s time to get back to those roots. More than a hundred of us marched in the parade at the Hillyard Festival with Lisa Brown, Maria Cantwell, and local Democratic candidates. McMorris Rodgers’ followers were far outnumbered. Babies were kissed, candy strewn, chants shouted, and songs sung. The parade watchers were delighted. The buzz was fun.

This weekend, August 17 and 18, the National Lentil Festival is held in Pullman, Washington, heart of the great agricultural region, the Palouse, the center of U.S. production of lentils. A whole lot of lentils are exported to China and India where lentils are still more of a staple food than here in the United States. It is no secret that Palouse farmers are uneasy over Trump’s disruption of agricultural export relationships carefully nurtured over decades. McMorris Rodgers only pays lip service to defending our region’s interests against Trump, her “positive disruptor.” 

Not a single Representative, Republican or Democrat, currently represents the interests of northwest agriculture on the United States House Committee on Agriculture from WA, OR, MT, ID, or WY. It is about time to change that. Lisa Brown pledges to seek a position on the House Committee on Agriculture, the same committee upon which the great Tom Foley served, including six years as Chairman of the Agricultural Committee.

So get out and take part. Take a road trip to Pullman (meet there at 10AM) and engage in regional fun. Invite two friends! Meet up with friendly people including Lisa Brown and Maria Cantwell. March in the parade. Feel the energy. (See two boxes above “Dear Group” for details.) Then learn about lentils. Re-learn the lessons of our region’s agricultural roots. Celebrate. Send a positive message! Here’s a link:

Keep to the high ground,
