Dear Group,
These 5AM Monday through Friday emails are also archived on the web, a feature of which many of my readers may be unaware.
Please visit at Perhaps the most useful feature is the SEARCH function in the upper righthand corner. Sliding down on the righthand column you find CATEGORIES near the end of the column. CATEGORIES is less useful than SEARCH, but if you’re trying to find an article you remember it might help.
Visitors may also SIGN UP FOR THE DAILY EMAIL by entering their email and first and last names in the appropriate boxes in the righthand column. It is a two step process, though. The program sends a confirmation email to the address provided. The person signing up must find the email (which sometimes goes to Junk or Promo) and acknowledge it to complete the signup process.
I am not writing today. I urge you to visit the archives at and see what’s there. In the daily emails I sometimes use links to prior individual writings contained in the archives. Some of my favorites are:
Who is She Really? Factual background on McMorris Rodgers
Matt Shea and the Red Pill Background on this flapping fringe Republican legislator up for re-election in Spokane Valley (State Legislative District 4). Vote for Ted Cummings, the reality based Democratic challenger. If the incumbent remains in office after November I’m convinced it is because District 4 voters haven’t done their homework.
In Her Own Words explores McMorris Rodgers’ excitement and endorsement of the Republican one-party steamroller as expressed to a Breitbart reporter. [Breitbart was Steve Bannon’s mouthpiece after Breitbart died.] Listen to McMorris Rodgers’ slightly breathless unguarded words spoken to what she believes is a receptive audience.
Devin Nunes in Spokane/What He Said relieves any doubt as to the length to which McMorris Rodgers and her Republican/Libertarian hoard will go to maintain their grip on power.
And many more.
Back tomorrow.
Keep to the high ground,