Trump Crossed the Line Yesterday

Dear Group,

Trump didn’t even wait through a news cycle to start a fresh outrage. It is hard to miss the parallels with the Saturday Night Massacre of the Nixon administration. The Sessions’ firing is likely the beginning of a slow moving version of the Massacre, one more step toward the Trump autocracy. Forty-five years ago Nixon’s own party stood up to his outrage. That was when there were still Republicans with integrity.

I doubt McMorris Rodgers has the spine or appreciation of history to make a stand on this one, but she needs to hear from us, her constituents. She kept saying publicly Mueller should “be allowed to do his job” even as she added how she’d like it to conclude quickly. Then she nodded with approval at the Spokane Club as her invited guest, Devin Nunes, proclaimed how important it was to protect Trump from Mueller by retaining a House majority. Now that majority is on its way out with the end of this Congress at year’s end. Trump is wasting no time. He wants to shut down the Mueller investigation before the new Congress is seated.

Now is her chance to stand behind her statement about letting Mueller do his job.  

Here are McMorris Rodgers’ numbers:

Spokane Office       (509) 353-2374

Colville Office         (509) 684-3481

Walla Walla Office  (509) 529-9358

D.C. Office              (202) 225-2006

In Spokane there is a protest brewing for noon on Friday, November 9 at the

Tom Foley Federal Building

920 W Riverside Ave

Spokane, WA 99201

In Sandpoint it is scheduled at 5PM today, November 8 at 

Bonner County Courthouse

215 S 1st Ave.

Sandpoint, ID 83864

Here’s the link to both events (and events all over the nation):

Just enter your zip code for the time, location, and sign-up of the local event.

Keep to the high ground,
