What’s a Million Dollars?

By October 30, a week before the November 5th, 2019, voting deadline in last fall’s municipal elections, “independent” expenditures topped a million dollars. The previous record for Political Action Committee  (PAC) spending in City of Spokane municipal elections was a mere $176,000 (established in 2013).

Six hundred and twenty thousand dollars, more than half of the total independent expenditures in last fall’s City of Spokane elections ($1,114,000) came from the Washington Realtors Political Action Committee (WA RPAC). That $620,000 was directed by Tom Hormel, the chair of the WA Realtors PAC and, at the same time, a member of the Spokane Association of Realtors’ (SAR) government affairs committee. Mr. Hormel was pivotal in directing this firehose of mostly outside money at the Spokane municipal elections. Most of the WA RPAC money that did come from Spokane came from individual (and mostly unsuspecting?) local realtors who check-boxed a $35 donation to WA RPAC as part of re-upping their membership. Most of those realtors, insofar as they thought about it at all, probably imagined their political donation would go to lobbying efforts on behalf of buying and selling property, not a massive effort to buy an election.

All politics really are local. Most of you probably know one or two of the two thousand or so realtors in Spokane County. The next time you see them, ask what they think about the record amount of money the organization to which they might belong spent on trying to buy the Spokane municipal elections for a slate of Republican candidates, Woodward, Wendle, Cathcart, and Rathbun. Why ask? Because by asking you will let them know that their friends and clients took notice. Asking them might rouse them to take a look at how and by whom their organization spends their donated money. Without the local realtors and members of SAR paying attention to their own organization’s local politics, political operatives like Tom Hormel will feel free to take their money and use it in a similar fashion in coming elections. You don’t have to make a speech to your realtor. All you have to do is ask and listen, and perhaps hint that the news about this money has tainted your feelings about the real estate industry. That alone might be enough to get their attention. (If you want more background on the details of these expenditures check out the archives of my emails at jxindivisible.org. Search WA RPAC or Tom Hormel. Pay attention to dates, since the numbers changed on the way to the Primary and General elections. Similar searches at Spokesman.com or Inlander.com will offer more background.)

Most of the remainder of that more than a million dollars of “independent” expenditures made in the just past Spokane municipal elections came from wealthy individuals involved in real estate development and Republican politics. The money was disguised by the names of the Political Action Committees they funded, of course. Clever names like Spokane Good Governance Alliance PAC and the Concerned Taxpayers of WA State PAC strive to evoke images of grassroots political movements. Hardly. See Who’s Buying the Municipal Elections? Part II for background.)

How much is a million dollars, anyway? For most of us “a million dollars” equates to “a whole lot of money.” I have a hard time wrapping my head around numbers greater than about a thousand. Was that an “m”, a “b”, or a “t”? Million, billion, and trillion are mostly beyond our comprehension. Those numbers require some context to begin to grasp them.

In the department of large numbers one finds the 2020 budget for the City of Spokane. Click and have a look. The total 2020 budget for the City of Spokane is $1,109,975,080. That’s 1.1 billion with a “b”, that’s more than one thousand times the total amount of independent expenditures made by real estate developers and WA RPAC in a gross attempt to elect their slate of candidates to run City of Spokane.

What is an investment of a million dollars relative to a chance to have some say in how a thousand times that, a billion dollars, gets spent? To be sure, that billion is spent on all kinds of things, but it certainly includes tax money spent on infrastructure and municipal services essential to real estate development.

A record million dollars spent on local election “independent” expenditures, although a huge record for Spokane, pales in comparison to the influence it might have purchased. If you believe the folks who contributed to and/or controlled (like Tom Hormel) that million dollar expenditure were motivated by a selfless desire to build housing for the homeless, well, if you believe that, I have a couple of bridges to offer you for sale.

Thanks to campaign finance law in the State of Washington we have the Public Disclosure Commission. It’s regulations are a nuisance to candidates, but without the data the PDC provides on line, we, the voters, would be left in dark. Thanks to the PDC when a gross attempt is made to buy an election is made we can learn whose money it is and guess why they spent it.

Use the information. Talk with your realtor friends. Using our due diligence we can discourage political operatives from making an attempt like this again. Cherish the fact that we retain enough control through the rule of law embodied as the PDC to still see where the money comes from. We need to use these tools.

Keep to the high ground,

P.S. As one example of wealthy real estate interests wading into last years municipal elections, Fritz and Katie Wolfe of The Wolfe Co., a “real estate investment firm,” wrote checks totaling $80,000 last year to the Spokane Good Governance Alliance PAC, one of the deceptively named PACs that spent the million dollars. (For reference, $80,000 is $27,000 more than the average household income of Spokane families in 2017.) $80,000 is way more than pocket change for the average voter, but it is a small investment some people hoping to have influence with the slate of candidates they elect.

Impeachment Coverage

I am trying to avoid writing on national news. Nonetheless, I’ve been either watching or listening to Senate impeachment trial nearly every spare minute, the same way many Americans were glued to the television over the drama of the Nixon impeachment proceedings in the House half a century ago. I’ve been listening to the live audio on KSFC 91.9 FM. From elsewhere one can stream the coverage at https://tunein.com/radio/home/. (It tends to start at 10AM PST.)

Hours following the day’s proceedings I receive an email entitled Letters from an American that summarizes the trial events. Written daily by Heather Cox Richardson, a Professor of History at Boston College, these emails summarize the events and put them in the context of history.

I urge you to click: https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/ . Once at that webpage simply type in the email address at which you wish to receive the email. Or click “Let me read it first” to see the last several postings. They are well worth the time spent. Share widely.

We are at a cross-roads in our history. Fox News, Mr. Trump and his enablers want the American public to tune out, to pre-judge, to speed through this trial without witness testimony. Seventy percent of Americans in several recent polls believe witnesses need to be subpoenaed and heard. Are Republican Senators, required to sit at their desks in the Senate for the first time in years, actually listening? Will the history of these events be written by Trump’s propagandists or by historians like Ms. Richardson? This trial and the November elections will be determinative.

Sign up for Letters from an American.

Keep to the high ground,

How the U.S. Senate Doesn’t Function

Nearly the only thing Sen. Mitch McConnell will allow to come to the floor of the Senate are judicial nominations (if he weren’t required to take up impeachment, that surely wouldn’t come to the floor either). The judicial candidates are put forward by the Federalist Society, many of them rated as “unqualified” by the American Bar Association. Mr. McConnell, Senator from Kentucky since 1985, is exceedingly proud of his role in first stonewalling nominations that legitimately should have made by President Obama, and then enabling his party to fill those judicial vacancies with Republican/Libertarian nominees who will influence the judiciary for a generation or more. They are all lifetime appointments.

McConnell holds the U.S. Senate hostage as a rubber stamp of judicial nominations. Meanwhile, only the bare minimum of other legislation reaches the floor of the Senate—simply because McConnell will not allow anything that might contradict Trump’s drumbeat of “Do Nothing Democrats.”

It was with this background in mind that a group of us sat in the gallery of Senate, the same Senate that now hosts the impeachment trial, on November 13th. We watched as a legislative mini-drama played out on the floor below.

First, understand there is a procedure, “unanimous consent,” that can be used to pass a bill in the Senate, an action that is outside of McConnell’s control.  A Senator or Senators bring a “Unanimous Consent Request” to the floor and, If no one in the room objects, it passes. Slick, simple…and a long shot.

On November 13 we watched as a bipartisan “Unanimous Consent Request” concerning drug costs came to the floor.

We all recognize, I think, that drug prices in this country are absurdly high. Furthermore, most understand that there is no such thing as a “free market” in drugs. Drug companies charge any amount they think they can get away with short of becoming the object of a damning media expose, e.g. Martin Shkreli raising the price of Daraprim by a factor of 56 overnight. The object of the game is for drug companies to enrich their shareholders, although they profess the money is essential for research and development.

We watched from the Senate gallery as Senator Blumenthal (D-Connecticut) together with co-sponsoring Senator Cornyn (R-Texas) presented the Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Act for passage by unanimous consent (Unanimous Consent Request—S. 1416). This bill would have put limits on one of the games drug companies use to keep control of a medication and its pricing by extending its patent. The Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Act had already been carefully considered and passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee (in which Committee Republicans are in the majority). It seemed to us like this would be a slam-dunk.

Imagine our surprise when Senator Durbin (D-Illinois), a supporter and cosponsor of the Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Act, stood to object—not because he didn’t want it passed, but because he wanted to add to the bill an amendment that would require drug companies to simply disclose the cost of a drug every time they advertise it. (This amendment is referred to as the Durbin-Grassley amendment or S. 1437.) Note that Mr. Grassley is a Republican Senator from Iowa, i.e. this amendment also has bipartisan support both in the Senate and among voters.

Ah, we thought, now this is logical. Surely there won’t be any objection, we’ll get this reasonable amendment and then we’ll also get the patent legislation.

But: From under the gallery Senator Patrick Toomey (R-Pennsylvannia, serving since 2011) rose to object.

I am sympathetic with the idea of requiring greater transparency on healthcare costs generally…It doesn’t strike me, obviously, as a good idea to mislead people, including in this context. Why do I say it is misleading? It is because the legislation requires the list price or the wholesale acquisition price of a drug to be the price that is put in the ad, despite the fact that almost no one ever pays either of those prices. There are huge rebates that are built into the system. 

And this is a reason not to demand the drug companies disclose their pricing on their ads? It is hard for me to imagine a more bogus, disingenuous argument. Nonetheless, Mr. Toomey’s objection served the purpose of McConnell’s leadership and power trip: Never let legislation sneak by that could 1) threaten Republican protection of corporate power and 2) never let anything come to the floor that might result in an embarrassing recorded vote, regardless of how bipartisan the support.

Mitch McConnell has worked hard to earn his rank as the least popular legislator in Congress, both nationally and in his home state of Kentucky. He changes his talk to suit an audience faster than a chameleon changes color to match its background. For Kentucky audiences on public television he “brings home the bacon” and allows Kentucky to “punch above its weight.” For the Hannity listenership on Fox, McConnell is working hand in hand with Trump’s lawyers on impeachment defense. He crows about his senatorial power politics.

McConnell faces a credible challenger this November, Amy McGrath, a former Marine fighter pilot. As a resident of Eastern Washington, I am reminded of the razor thin vote margin by which George Nethercutt unseated Tom Foley, then Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, in the tumultuous political times of 1994. May such a surprise await McConnell this fall. While McConnell remains in power we are assured of partisan dysfunction in Congress, dysfunction that prevents even the most reasonable bipartisan legislation like these drug bills from becoming law.

On the lighter side, McConnell’s reign has sparked some ingenious lyrics and song. (Watch and listen to “Song for McConnell” on youtube. It will make you smile.)

Keep to the high ground,

MLK Day-Remember

Martin Luther King Day

Monday, January 20, Rally and March. Here’s the link:

Gather and Rally at 10AM: Spokane Convention Center
334 W Spokane Falls Blvd, Spokane, Washington 99201
March and Resource Fair to follow

When you arrive at the Convention Center you’ll be asked to go through a metal detector, similar to the airport. Leave your jackknife at home. We have a good local reason to be sober about this, the more so this year than ever. Remember: Kevin Harpham, a locally grown white supremacist from Addy, Washington, set a radio-controlled backpack bomb containing fishing weights as shrapnel, rat poison, and human feces along the MLK Day parade route in Spokane on January 17, 2011. The backpack was discovered and reported to police around 9:25 that morning. The bomb was defused and the parade went on as planned with most marchers unaware of the threat. (Read more here.)

It would be nice to think of Kevin Harpham’s attempt at domestic terrorism as a one-off, but that would ignore recent local events and multiple linkages. Leah Sottile, then a music and entertainment reporter for The Inlander, lived a block away from the site of the Spokane backpack bomb in 2011. That near-miss sent her on a investigative reporting quest that resulted in a fascinating–and chilling–series of podcasts and writings entitled Bundyville and Bundyville, The Remnant. They represent a body of work that have become essential to my understanding of Matt Shea and the movement of which he is a part and, to a degree, over which he presides. I am even more convinced of the significance of Leah Sotille’s work after seeing that Sottille was labelled by Heather Scott (ID Leg. Representative from Blanchard and a comrade of Shea’s). Scott called out Sotille as “Portland uber-left journalist writer Leah Sottile” from Scott’s echo chamber of Redoubt News. This comment from Heather Scott, this comment standing all by itself, is a glaring reason to spend the time to read or listen to Sottile’s deep dive into this movement.

As we mark Martin Luther King Day nine years after Spokane’s near miss, people like Shea and Scott, folks with connections to people in the movements that spawned Kevin Harpham, are serving as elected state representatives from our region. We would do well to remember the near-miss of 2011. We should contemplate the pertinence the 2011 incident to what we face today. (I do not mean to scare you. I’m sure security will be tight. Law enforcement remembers this event better than the average citizen.)

For less recent historical context, I urge you to click on the wikipedia entry, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and read. If you imagine establishing a holiday to celebrate Martin Luther King’s birthday was a slam-dunk (as I had rather naively imagined), the article is a must read. President Reagan signed the bill to make MLK Day a federal holiday in 1983, after a petition in favor of the holiday was submitted to Congress with six million signatures. The petition was identified by the magazine The Nation as “the largest petition in favor of an issue in U.S. history.” There were several prominent naysayers, including Senators Jesse Helms (R-NC) and John Porter East (R-NC). To his great credit, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY) on the floor of the Senate literally stomped on the 300 page document Helms submitted, calling it “a packet of filth.”

There is a lesson here about what it takes to get legislation passed…

Get out and honor the day. (See the box above for details.)

Keep to the high ground,

P.S. Even more striking: In all this context, Matt Shea will be speaking today, this MLK Day, at a 2nd Amendment Rally in Coeur d’Alene “at the clock tower in front of The Coeur d’Alene Resort at 11 a.m. before moving to the Avista Pavilion at McEuen Park at noon.” Not only does this seem a particularly tasteless and threatening thing to do on MLK Day, but Coeur d’Alene, like so many other places Shea appears, isn’t even in his home district.

P.P.S. If you have a strong attachment to places and locations like I do, you might be interested to know the backpack bomb was found “on a metal bench at the northeast corner of Washington Street and Main Avenue.”

P.P.P.S. While sifting through article after article for this post I realized I had mostly forgotten this bomb event, despite the broad coverage of it at the time. How much better remembered would it have been had it detonated and killed marchers? I more clearly understand why, as those who actually were there take their memories off to their graves, it is glaringly important to remember and remind ourselves of historic events like the Holocaust–lest we be condemned to repeat them.

MLK Weekend Events 2020

This is Martin Luther King weekend. Tomorrow is Martin Luther King Day. There are gatherings to attend and nice people to meet. The best link I could find to the weekend’s activities is here: https://mlkspokane.org/  I’ve copied the schedule of events for today and tomorrow below [in an “image box”] for your convenience. I encourage you to attend both days. I have overcome my own winter inertia and gone to all these events in past years. Come on out. Meet a welcoming community.

Keep to the high ground,

Matt Shea’s Support

Representative Matt Shea (Legislative District 4, Spokane Valley north to Mt. Spokane) has enjoyed financial support from business interests and political action committees for many election cycles. In 2018 that support amounted to $80,150, almost three quarters of all Shea’s 2018 campaign fund. The Washington Association of Realtors, Washington Optometric PAC, Avista, and BNSF each contributed the maximum amount of $2000. (Click the blue above for the whole list). One must wonder who in each of these organizations arranged to have these checks written, and how that check-writer was not (or was?) paying attention to the activities of this man (beyond his consistent business-friendly Republican voting record). What were they thinking as Mr. Shea spoke at the Freedom Force Red Pill Expo Conference or as he spoke at the Marble Community’s “God and Country Celebration” shoulder to shoulder with “John Jacob Schmidt” and Pastor Barry Byrd?

So what about the 2020 election cycle? The Spokesman reports (January 13th) that Matt Shea has:

been kicked out of the Republican caucus, meaning he no longer has a vote on legislative committees, can’t rely on caucus staff and can’t take part in GOP strategy meetings. On the House floor, he was moved to a new desk in a row that includes more Democrats than Republicans.

We can get a hint, thanks to Washington State law that established the Public Disclosure Commission. Shea’s current contributions for the 2020 election can be viewed here at MATT SHEA T, 2020. It’s worth a look. There are no PAC or business contributions of over $500 so far. Duane Alton (of Alton Tires) stands out on top with a $1500 contribution. By now, following publication of the Rampart Report (which you can download here), everyone making a contribution to Shea’s campaign must be fully aware of–and therefore must tacitly endorse–Shea’s activities.

By this time in the 2018 election cycle Avista, BNSF, and six other businesses or PACs had already made $1000 contributions. None of these have yet shown up for the 2020 cycle. Is Shea finally toxic? We’ll see. Watch this space: MATT SHEA T, 2020.

Incumbents, regardless of their extremist views, are hard to dislodge, and, meanwhile, they can use campaign money to proselytize. It behooves the electorate to chose carefully.

Keep to the high ground,

P.S. Shea’s 2020 campaign shows a total greater than the amount his 2018 campaign had gathered by the corresponding date, but that is deceiving. The 2020 campaign has brought back $16,000 (about 40% of the current total) from “Surplus Funds” Shea had banked from prior campaigns, brought forward as “MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS.”

Since “Surplus Campaign Funds” can be used for “non-reimbursed public office related expenses” one wonders how much surplus buffer there is. The last report one the “SHEA MATT T SURPLUS ACCT” shows the balance in that account as $33927.89. It’s a nice cushion that could see him through the 2020 election cycle without any renewed corporate or PAC support.

P.P.S. One wonders where Shea gets additional funding. He bragged at the Covenant Church in north Spokane last Friday (January 10th), “I’ve been able to travel 100,000 miles in the last three months. All over the world! Talking to leaders of countries! Praise God for that.”

Trump, Iran, and Myopic History

Iranian history begins in 1979 for most of us. It’s as if the country didn’t exist before the Iranian revolution, the overrunning of the U.S. Embassy and the taking of 52 American hostages. That incident thrust Iran into the consciousness of the American public (and, arguably, led to the electoral defeat of Jimmy Carter by Ronald Reagan in the November, 1979, national election, the first of the Republican minority governments [in terms of popular vote] leading to the ascendency of Mr. Trump).

Our mental shorthand (mine included) wants to simplify our perception of other countries and groups. We are trained to think of Iranians as rabid Shiite Muslims directed by a Muslim theocratic leader, the Grand Ayatollah, but the reality of the people of Iran is far, far more complex. The history of Iran over the last century has been a struggle between groups that favor a pluralistic, constitutionalist, relatively democratic government and those favoring power concentrated in a monarchy or religious monarchy (theocracy). Meanwhile, the British, the Russians, and the U.S. have intervened–and NOT in support of pluralistic, popular, and constitutional government.  For example, the “Persian Constitutional Revolution” occurring between 1905 and 1909, mostly among the merchant class, briefly established an elected Iranian Parliament under a constitution. That fell apart under Russian and British intervention, the British abandoning the Constitutionalists in favor of a Shah, much like Trump recently abandoned the Kurds to the Russians and the Turks.

Fast forward to 1953. I highly recommend you read the article “64 Years Later, CIA Finally Releases Details of Iranian Coup.” It helped cure me of my U.S.-made historic myopia. The article appeared in June, 2017, edition of Foreign Policy (among the least biased of news sources). In 1953 our Central Intelligence Agency ignited a revolution in Iran that brought down Iranian Prime Minister Muhammad Mossadegh and brought back the Iranian monarchy under Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi, the monarch who had gone into exile during the turmoil of the Abadan Crisis, the nationalization of Iranian oil by the post World War II Iranian Parliament (the Majlis).

Prime Minister Mossadegh had served as PM for only two years, elected to that position overwhelmingly (79 to 12) by the Majlis. The nationalization of Iranian oil “was enormously popular and seen [by the Iranians] as a long overdue staunching of the bleeding of its national wealth [to the British[,  which could now be harnessed to fighting poverty in Iran.” Mossadegh was:

An author, administrator, lawyer and prominent parliamentarian, his administration introduced a range of social and political measures such as social security, land reforms and higher taxes including the introduction of taxation of the rent on land. His government’s most significant policy, however, was the nationalization of the Iranian oil industry, which had been built by the British on Persian lands since 1913 through the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC/AIOC) (later British Petroleum and BP).[6]

Essentially, we and the British meddled with a representative government moving in the direction of reforms, but threatening British Petroleum. This CIA intervention is, for many Iranians, conservative and liberal alike, the historic point they revisit when they think of the USA. (Aside: Yes, I know that 1953 was a different era. We were just coming out of WWII. Senator Joseph McCarthy was fueling fear of communism. We were more worried about our oil supply than currently. But none of that changes what Iranians justifiably think of the United States either now or at the time of the Iranian Revolution in 1979.) Our undermining of the relatively democratic 1953 government of Iran is far better remembered in Iran than it is here. For the people of Iran our government is inextricably linked to 1953 and the CIA intervention.

The outcome of a revolution is often not foreseen by its participants. The 1979 Revolution in Iran was made possible by an alliance of disparate elements that opposed the Shah. Some of them longed for the democratic, populist reforms of Mossadegh, some were fanatical Muslim Fundamentalists. (It is impossible to know the percentages. There are no polls of which I’m aware. There are only anecdotes, interviews and impressions.) It is likely many Iranians were somewhere in between in their opinions (rather like today’s disaffected, non-voting “independents” in our country). Some Iranians expected Ayatollah Khomeini to return from exile simply as a spiritual figurehead, ensconced in Qom, something like a Shiite Papacy, rather than a religious/political leader who would consolidate power as a theocratic despot claiming justification in scripture. Instead, Shiite Fundamentalists had superior organization and planning that led to their takeover in the aftermath. (This laying of the groundwork for revolution chillingly reminds me of the groundwork laid by Matt Shea, his “Christian” Nationalists, and the insular preparation of the American Redoubt).

How we tend to think about present day Iran depends on our mental picture of Iranians. The section titled Aftermath in the wikipedia article “Iranian Revolution” offers some idea of the social complexity at the time of the revolution. The insights from that period also shed some light on the reports of Iranians taking to the streets recently, first against the government, then to condemn th U.S. and mourn Qassim Suleimani, and then to protest against the government after 176 civilians were mistakenly killed by a missile attack on a Ukrainian airliner in the wake of the Suleimani assassination. (Lest we feel too smug over the latter protests, we would do well to remember the 290 civilians who died in 1988 on Iran Air Flight 655, shot down in error by a missile from the USS Vincennes. When people armed to the teeth stand with fingers on triggers and feeling nervous, bad things happen.)

Iran and its people have a complicated history with the United States, a history we would do well to remember. As in the U.S., the Iranian government does not speak for all of its people. Both countries are subject to some degree of nationalistic fervor when aroused by a perceived threat. Both countries are subject to political and religious polarization. The governments of both countries engage in propaganda and repression of dissent. The difference is a matter of method and degree.

Keep to the high ground,

P.S. “Iran” tends to pop up a mental image for most of us (including me) of a monarchical Shiite Muslim Fundamentalist Ayatollah wearing a turban and a robe, as if that were the proper portrait of the average Iranian. The Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Iranian leader at the time of the hostage taking, the Ayatollah who returned from exile to theocratic power with the Iranian Revolution, died ten years later, in 1989. Khomeini was succeeded by “Supreme Leader” Khamenei, the man who remains as the head of the Iranian Shiite Muslim Fundamentalist theocracy. Khamenei’s hegemony is challenged by robust and recurring protests–by people who mostly don’t wear turbans and robes.

P.P.S. Trump focused on our (and his?) myopic perception of Iranian history as beginning in 1979 with his war crimes tweet: “We targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran &  the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD.” With that tweet Trump was guaranteed to fire up Iranian nationalism even among those critical of the current theocracy–and certainly among the many who remember 1953.