Time to Pitch In

No one is coming to save us

Note: There’s an “ask” at the end of this ramble.

Party politics never much appealed to me. The marching and banners of the national political party conventions seemed rather silly. Although I held a fundamental skepticism about their motives I was mostly content with the idea that people elected to government offices would do the right thing—and all would be well. I felt confidant that our involvement in the Second World War had saved the world for democracy and that both the Republican and Democratic Parties, being devoted to democratic principles and something called “the rule of law” would guide us into an ever better future without my having to get involved any more than casting a ballot when presented with one. I thought of myself as a social Democrat and a fiscal Republican, a concept I now see as nonsense. 

Small d democracy works only when we pay attention and get involved to a greater degree than reading the newspaper, listening to the (mostly) national news as presented by the media, and casting a ballot every four years. Functioning as an individual who was brought up on the idea that one did not raise the issue of politics in polite company, it was easy to succumb to a sense of despair as the Republican Party shed its roots as the party of Abraham Lincoln and became the party of implicit racism intertwined with a malignant streak of Fundamentalist Christianity. When that transformation culminated in the manifest cruelty of people like Donald Trump and (now) Ron DeSantis, to say nothing about local extremists like Matt Shea and Rob Chase, I decided that I needed to seek out strength in numbers and reassess my prior distaste for party politics. 

In March of 2018 I emailed a post entitled “A Political Journey–My Changing Impression of the Democratic Party”. It stands up well now as I re-read it. I have found solace and many like-minded friends among local Democrats. From a nadir in the mid 2010s I have seen the Spokane Democratic Party on a track to rebuild, galvanized, in part, by the extremism of local and national Republicans. The rebuilding is happening on account of the dedication of individuals with a variety of skills uniting in common purpose to preserve democracy that has felt like it was slipping away. This rebuilding is not happening, as I once imagined and as Republicans conveniently assert (think “George Soros”), because of infusions of cash from rich folk manipulating the naive. Instead, this rebuilding is from the previously complacent and now threat-perceiving grassroots on up—and it’s about time lest we see our country slip away from us. 

Two months ago Spokane County Republicans (aka the SpokaneGOP) was taken over by some of its most extreme elements. More traditional local Republicans, apparently asleep, were outflanked by the extremists deploying the “Precinct Strategy” popularized by Steve Bannon. The SpokaneGOP is now chaired by Pastor Brian Noble of the Valley Assembly of God Church, a man who challenged the more traditional incumbent County Commissioner, Mary Kuney, in last fall’s election—and lost badly. The rest of the local SpokaneGOP leadership is populated with similarly far right individuals. Next door in Kootenai County, Idaho, extremist Republicans, intent on destroying any lingering opposition, even attempted at takeover of the local Democratic Party using the “Precinct Strategy”. Let that be a lesson.

Meanwhile the Spokane County Democrats are rebuilding under the able leadership of Carmela Conroy, a retired U.S. Consul General and former Spokane County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. Last December she was re-elected chairperson by the central committee, that is, the Democratic Precinct Committee Officers (PCOs). 

The Spokane County Democrats also elected Steve Kirby, CEO of Tikor Consulting, as Vice Chair and Giacobbe Byrd, a former U.S. Congressional Staffer who was born and raised in Spokane, as Second Vice Chair.  They elected two State Committee Members: Blair Anundson, a labor organizer, and Bernie Bank, an OB/GYN doctor.

Spokane County Auditor Vicky Dalton addressed the meeting, stressing the importance of citizens’ involvement in their communities so they choose competent leaders to carry out the work of local government.  The elected Party officials pledged to build on the organizing and fund-raising successes Democrats enjoyed in Spokane County in 2022.    

All shoulders to the wheel. There is no one coming to save us. It’s just us and all the individual skills and dedication we possess. Lest we succumb to what extremist Republicans wish us to become as a city, a county, a state, and a nation we need to join forces with like minded individuals and push back against Republican extremism and push forward with a positive agenda. Everyone has something they can volunteer. Among the roles are PCOs, election observers, event hosts, phone bankers, door-to-door canvassers. If you’re feeling anything like the same angst as I’ve been feeling, visit the website Spokane County Democrats and sign up. There’s a place for all skills and a welcoming community.

Keep to the high ground,


The Divided Dial

The takeover of the Airwaves–and, with them, the minds of many

Leading up to last fall’s elections many of my friends and readers (and, I suspect, many hundreds or perhaps thousands of other locals) received in the mail a DVD of Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules”. Many (or all?) were sent from a non-existent Spokane northside address by an unidentified person or organization posing as a concerned citizen. “2000 Mules” presents supposed evidence of election fraud. One presumes these DVDs were sent in the hope of bolstering the prospects of election deniers like McCaslin Junior running in the then upcoming fall election. 

Watching the DVD is an education in confidence scams. In the film “evidence” of election fraud is presented to a panel of sober, initially skeptical men in a supposed effort to convince them of a scheme of unnamed nonprofit organizations associated with the Democratic Party to illegally collect and deposit ballots into drop boxes. Presented with supposedly incontrovertible evidence, these sober men eventually nod in agreement. This is a confidence game. Few viewers are equipped to question the hocus-pocus of computerized analysis of cell phone location records, so the acceptance of the presentation depends on each viewer’s trust in the ability of these suited men to critically evaluate the presented material. 

In my world, the panel of sober “experts” would need to demonstrate real expertise in analyzing the material of the type presented. Clearly, D’Souza chose this panel of sober, nodding men as people in whom many potential viewers of the film would be willing to place their confidence. Tellingly, D’Souza’s panel consists entirely of Salem Radio Network talk show hosts: Dennis PragerSebastian GorkaLarry ElderEric Metaxas, and Charlie Kirk. One must ask how these men came to be seen as worthy of trust by a significant share of those who might bother to watch “2000 Mules”. 

The answer is presented in a fascinating five part podcast series, “The Divided Dial”, assembled and presented by Katie Thornton of “On the Media”. It is the story of origin, growth, and nationalization (monopolization?) of the AM/FM radio dial (along with the minds of its listeners) by in-your-face right wing radio personalities and “Christian” pastors. Along the way the series touches on the changes in regulation of the broadcast media that started with the Reagan administration and facilitated this takeover, raising the question of the underlying intent, especially considering the outcome. I first heard of the series by listening to Spokane Public Radio’s segment “On the Media”. If you are new to podcasts, this is your chance to learn. The simplest way to listen is to google search “The Divided Dial” and listen on your computer. If listening on a smartphone is more appealing: On an iPhone there’s a “Podcasts” app. Search for “On the Media” and scroll down through multiple episodes to catch “The Divided Dial: Episode 1 – The True Believers”. I expect there’s something similar on other smartphones. 

If your interest is piqued I encourage you to check out a post by Thom Hartmann entitled “A Media Ceiling is about to Fall In On Democrats”. Hartmann has considerable experience with fledgling liberal talk radio (anyone remember “Air America”?). His experience interlinks with “The Divided Dial”. 

I didn’t find any of this tour of the well-funded, moneymaking, nationalized, right wing propaganda machine uplifting—but it is certainly a wakeup call to us to redouble our efforts to offer the counter narrative to anyone who will listen or read.

Make it your business this weekend to check out “The Divided Dial”. 

Keep to the high ground,


Pl.S. In Episode 4 of “The Divided Dial” Katie Thornton reminds us of the murder of Alan Berg, the Denver-based liberal talk radio host who was gunned down in the early days of talk radio in 1984 by a member of “The Order”, a group founded by Robert Jay Mathews at his farm near Metaline, Washington. The Order was a group with multiple tendrils intertwined with Richard Butler’s Aryan Nations in Hayden, Idaho, and multiple successor organizations. This connection to our region made my skin crawl—and made me wonder about what might have been—if Alan Berg were still alive.

What Happened to TCAPP?

How the law can–and does–work (slowly)

As a retired physician—and as a staunch supporter of reproductive rights and reality-based sex education (and an opponent of right wing extremism masquerading as Christianity)—perhaps I paid more attention to the controversy around “The Church at Planned Parenthood” (TCAPP), than most. A homegrown extremist group originally led by “Pastor” Ken Peters, TCAPP harassed patients and caregivers at Planned Parenthood near the junction of Division and Indiana in Spokane for years, starting in 2018. A recent press release is a good summary:

For over two years, anti-abortion extremists had held rallies directly outside of the Spokane Planned Parenthood Health Care Center. Calling themselves “The Church at Planned Parenthood” (TCAPP), these extremists used amplified speakers to loudly denounce Planned Parenthood and interrupt the provision of the health care services they provide. In addition, TCAPP members blocked access to the clinic, intimidated patients, and often carried concealed weapons. These ‘services’ attracted a variety of local and national hate group representatives, including the founder of Patriot Prayer, a hate group associated with the Proud Boys.

TCAPP first appeared in a Spokesman article in April 2019. Click that Spokesman link to access the cast of right wing characters behind TCAPP’s activity. “The Church at Planned Parenthood” is the creation of self appointed “Pastor” Ken Peters (See P.S.) of what was then called the Covenant Church at at 3506 W. Princeton Ave. in Spokane. (The name was changed to the “Patriot Church” after the January 6, 2021, insurrection because “Our country is under attack by demonic principalities and powers…Their evil agenda is cloaked in phrases such as, ‘end racism,’ ‘redistribute wealth to the disadvantaged,’ and ‘open borders.’”, according to Peters.) 

The purpose of this post is to delve into the why and wherefore of the expensive and lengthy legal efforts required to limit the ongoing harassment that TCAPP disguised as “worship”. There was much learned by me in the efforts to understand the process—much that I hope to convey that you don’t find detailed in the newspaper.

In this country we pride ourselves in our First Amendment right to protest without being shot, killed, or thrown into prison for long periods. However, we also have laws that should limit the disruption caused by people exercising their right to free speech. In Washington State there is a whole chapter of the Criminal Code devoted to “Interference with health care facilities or providers” (Chapter 9A.50 RCW). Among the actions prohibited by the statute is “Making noise that unreasonably disturbs the peace within the facility”. It is this clause, a clause not necessarily present in the legal code of other states, upon which curbing TCAPP’s harassment of patients and caregivers ultimately depends. 

The penalty of the interference defined in RCW 9A.50.020 follows two possible paths—criminal and civil. 

Criminal Path

The criminal penalties that can be applied are detailed in RCW 9A.50.030The available criminal penalties are all misdemeanors (including “gross” misdemeanors), that is, if convicted, the absolute maximum sentence would be a year in jail (not a state prison—that’s where felons go) and $1000 fine. (A misdemeanor remains on your record, but, in Washington State, unlike a felony, it does not interrupt your right to vote.)

The path to enforcing criminal penalties, however, requires that the police to recognize that a crime is in progress and a Prosecutor’s Office willing to charge the crime. We in Spokane appear to have neither. As Shawn Vestal clearly demonstrated in his July 29, 2022 entitled “The laws are the laws, but they don’t enforce themselves”:

They [the TCAPP protesters] amplified their music, speeches and prayers obnoxiously with speakers that made their protests audible inside the examination rooms [of Planned Parenthood on Indiana Ave.] and out in the neighborhood.

I stood inside one of those rooms at a protest and could clearly hear the amplified words being spoken outside. I was later told by an officer that you could not hear the protests inside.

The ones I had just heard, I mean.

This is classical example of gaslighting demonstrated by members of the Spokane Police department. 

From the legal declaration in the case records from a Medical Assistant employed at Planned Parenthood Spokane:

It is frustrating to staff to hear the police say that they will monitor the protesters, only for the protests to grow larger and more disruptive thereafter. The police set up barricades to keep the protesters safe but seem less concerned with our needs.

In February 2020, the Spokane City Council essentially copied the Washington State law into a municipal ordinance (Section 10.60.070 under the local criminal code) in the hope engaging police cooperation in enforcement. (This also could have opened the way to using the City’s Municipal Court system instead of the Spokane County Superior Courts.) 

It didn’t work.

City of Spokane’s Police Chief Meidl offered excuses to the Spokesman:

“Passing a local ordinance already codified in (state law) does not change the necessity to prioritize calls based on call load, nor does it change the elements needed to prove a violation of law occurred, nor change the resources available to respond to a call,” Meidl said.

The article goes on:

Even after adopting the city law to curtail the noise of protests at Planned Parenthood [in February; this article was from November], [City Councilwoman Lori] Kinnear feels it’s not being enforced. The city [that means Mayor Woodward’s executive branch in this context—not the City Council] and police officials have disagreed, remaining adamant that code enforcement officers have been at the site and monitoring noise levels.

The bottom line is that to use the criminal legal protection offered both by state law and the City of Spokane municipal code requires the participation of the local police force—and neither the Mayor’s Office or the City of Spokane Police Department was participating. 

Civil Penalties

Before laying out the civil lawsuit pathway it is worth to point out that criminallaw is meant to be enforced by the government at government (taxpayer) expense. The aggrieved complainant may appear in court, but, in a criminalcase, the complainant’s participation in the proceedings is not necessarily required. The case goes forward with the government (which would have been represented here by the County Prosecutor’s Office) as the Plaintiff, the group arguing for the guilt of the accused. Generally there is no cost to the aggrieved party, in this case the Planned Parenthood Clinic. 

In contrast, it takes money and considerable effort to mount a civil case, more money and effort than a lot of plaintiffs are able to muster. 

Even so, fortunately the civil suit path to justice for interference with a health care facility is available in Washington State and usable when representatives of government fail to enforce the law. The groundwork for a civil suit is spelled out in RCW 9A.50.040 along with a basis for injunctive relief (i.e. a formal judicial warning). The next Section, RCW 9A.50.050specifies damages of “up to five thousand dollars for each day that the actions [interference] occurred.”

On June 23, 2020, after two years of harassment and law enforcement gaslighting, Planned Parenthood of Greater Spokane and North Idaho filed a complaint with Spokane County Clerk Tim Fitzgerald for “Injunctive Relief and Damages” against Covenant Church and Covenant Christian School; Ken Peters; Representative Matt Shea; Clay Roy; Gabriel Blomgren; and Seth Haberman.

According to the Spokesman on September 21, 2020:

Spokane Superior Court Judge Raymond Clary issued a preliminary injunction [read it at that link—it’s plenty interesting—use the Next and Prev buttons to turn the pages] that requires The Church at Planned Parenthood, or TCAPP, to gather across the street from the Indiana Avenue clinic, or anywhere at least 35 feet from the building, instead of directly adjacent to the property.

The order also requires TCAPP – which has held regular anti-abortion events outside the clinic since 2018 that sometimes draw hundreds of attendees – start its gatherings at least one hour after Planned Parenthood stops accepting new patients at 6 p.m.

A whole year later, on September 22, 2021, Spokane County Superior Court Judge Timothy B. Fennessy granted a permanent injunction against TCAPP, et al “from demonstrating immediately outside the facility, and while the facility is open to patients.” “Pastor” Peters debated appealing the ruling. It wasn’t covered in the media, but I am told that Peters and his lawyers spent money and effort on an appeal of the permanent injunction to the Washington State Court of Appeals—and almost immediately lost. 

The damages part of the civil suit took much longer and was much less publicized. Finally, KXLY reported on December 16, 2022, that “The Church at Planned Parenthood’ ordered to pay $110k in civil damages” two days previouslyThe judgement against TCAPP was the result of twenty-two documented instances of “making noise that unreasonably disturbs the peace within the facility.” On February 3, 2023, the Spokesman, in its digital-only Saturday version, reported “Anti-abortion group must pay $850,000 of Planned Parenthood’s legal fees after being fined $110k over noise violations”. The $850,000 amount of the award was startling, but RCW 9A.50.040 specifies that “The prevailing party is entitled to recover costs and attorneys’ fees.”

From the first filing of the complaint against TCAPP in June 2020 to the final resolution on February 1, 2023, this case produced one hundred and ten legal documents, one hearing before Spokane County Superior Court Judge Raymond Clary and six hearings before Superior Court Judge Timothy Fennessy (click here and enter case number 20-2-01703-32). Despite all this legal maneuvering, the case was settled by Judge Fennessy without a jury trial (which would have been even more expensive). There was no jury trial because the claim for damages was based on law and facts that were beyond dispute (and TCAPP had already lost the appeal of the permanent injunction—an ominous sign, no doubt). 

One might vindictively wish that losing a million dollar lawsuit would bankrupt TCAPP, Peters, Covenant (now “Patriot”) Church, and company—but the fact is that they have the backing of monied donors, some insurance coverage, and a well funded right wing legal group, the “Pacifica Justice Institute” that may have worked pro bono. PJI is characterized as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center

After two and a half years of Planned Parenthood’s of efforts around the civil suit, I asked Paul Dillon, speaking for Planned Parenthood, if all the time and effort was worth it:

I think it is important to not just focus on the monetary perspective but also the permanent injunction which forced TCAPP away from the health center and after hours. That again has been a major relief for staff and patients. In addition, the Judge affirming what we had repeatedly said – that these protests did in fact interfere with health center operations.

It was worth it. All the late nights, the documentation. We were building a case and every detail mattered. Here’s some of the video we submitted to the court. Fortunately for us? They post everything on social media. [click to see some of it]

The Judge’s rulings affirmed what we had been saying since these protests started in 2018: They seek to harass and intimidate patients and staff. They were clearly in violation of RCW 9A.50.020 – interference with a health care facility – despite what Chief Meidl and city legal repeatedly claimed for years

My hope is that this victory will send a message. We were the first affiliate in the country to successfully sue TCAPP and collect damages so hopefully this opens the door to others taking action, especially as we look further this legislative session on ways to safeguard abortion access that include strengthening staff and patient protections.

Of course, the frustrating thing is that it took all this effort—and two years—to achieve a result that could have been solved if the Mayor’s Office and the City Police had enforced existing law against sometimes-armed right wing extremists. Let us remember this struggle when we submit our ballots this fall in municipal elections.

Keep to the high ground,


P.S. Background on TCAPP and the “Pastors”:

The tactics of groups like “Moms For Liberty”, the folks harassing local school boards over bogus issues like “CRT”, were developed elsewhere and transplanted to our local scene. In contrast, it appears that The Church at Planned Parenthood originated right here in Spokane in one extreme corner of our politico-religious environment. The idea for TCAPP is widely credited to the political activist and nondenominational, self-appointed, Spokane-based “Pastor” Ken Peters, a man with multiple points of intersection with “Pastors” Matt Shea and Gabe Blomgren. (A “nondenominational” pastor is free to espouse whatever interpretation of the Bible he or she finds useful in gathering followers. No formal training or oversight is required, only charisma and enough glibness with scripture to pull the broad cloak of Christianity over what you preach. If this also sounds to you like the recipe for forming a cult, it should.)

“Pastor” Peters got his start gathering followers to the “Covenant Church” that he began to form in a Spokane Valley Super 8 Motel in 1998. His charisma and his backing were sufficient to acquire a church building at 3506 W. Princeton Ave., Spokane, and to establish the Covenant Christian School and another Covenant Church outpost in Moses Lake. In June of 2020, Peters left the leadership of the Spokane Covenant Church to “Pastor” Matt Shea, the former Washington State Representative from Spokane valley disgraced over his tract “The Biblical Basis for War”. A House-commission report accused him of engaging in domestic terrorism in part due to his involvement with the Ammon Bundy led terrorist armed takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. Peters left Spokane in order to found another church in Knoxville, Tennessee. Things did not go well with Shea, who decamped to his own church and school, On Fire Ministries & Kingdom Christian Academy, at 115E Pacific downtown in May of 2021. 

When Peters returned he changed the name of the Covenant Church to the “Patriot” Church. Perhaps that had something to do with his presence in Washington, D.C. Peters said he “traveled to the Jan. 6 rallies on Lindell’s private plane and stayed at a Trump hotel on Lindell’s dime.” (Peters claims he did not enter the Capitol.) 

TCAPP, Peters brainchild has now metastasized to many other cities—at least that is the impression given by multiple flashy websites that turn up on a google search—usually with an image our one of the largest gatherings TCAPP put together next to to the Spokane Planned Parenthood. (Perhaps it is worth noting, though, that TCAPP has yet to get its own wikipedia article, unlike the astroturf organization “Mom’s for Liberty”.)

Another Day Off

A Grandparent recovery day

It was delightful—and exhausting—even with two of us trying to keep up with a two and a half and an almost six year old. I have renewed respect for people trying to successfully raise young children and hold down a job, even a part time job, at the same time. 

I’ll be back on Wednesday. In the meantime…

Keep to the high ground,


Substack and Pledges

Some History and Explanation

NOTE: By accident of digital clumsiness (and a bit of temporal cluelessness) I sent out on Tuesday (yesterday) the email post intended for today. It is entitled “Cathy’s Climate Change Coming Out”. If you missed it click on the underlined title (underlines like this are always a link).

Substack and Pledges

In the last month I was flattered (and mystified) by emails I received with the Subject line “A reader just pledged X dollars to subscribe to Indivisible–The High Ground”. It wasn’t until a reader Replied to one of my posts that I saw this:

I discovered that this pledge button started to appear, unbidden, attached to emails in January. I intend to disable this feature. I want my writing to be free to read and share. These are pebbles thrown in the pond. I hope the ripples travel far. 

While I appreciate the acknowledgement of the work I put into researching and writing these email posts it was never my intent to ask people to pay for a subscription. I am not writing to support myself. I was already retired in early 2017 when I started to write. It was an exercise to make myself overcome my ignorance of local civics and politics, a response to the dismay I felt over the election of Donald Trump to the U.S. Presidency. The focus on eastern Washington civics and politics grew out of the reminder from the Indivisible Group that all politics are local. There is much less written about how things work at a local and state level than about national politics—and each locale has its own nuances.

I started writing to twenty friends—who recommended it to others. The High Ground’s direct recipient list is now over a thousand. With readers sharing posts on electronic media the average post is opened on about 1500 smartphones and computers. 

Substack is an “online platform that provides publishing, payment, analytics, and design infrastructure to support subscription newsletters” that was founded in 2017, the same year I got started. I migrated Indivisible—The High Ground to Substack almost two years ago. I highly recommend it. Sending straight emails quickly runs into spam filters. MailChimp, where I previously published, is primarily a marketing platform. Substack is easy to use. The medium supports itself by taking a percentage (I believe it is 10% of the fees paid by subscribers.) I feel a twinge of guilt that Indivisible—The High Ground is a freeloader, so allow me to bolster Substack a bit by recommending the writing of several Substack-based authors whose opinions and perspective I highly value—well beyond the perspective and background offered by most traditional news media:

Professor of History, Heather Cox Richardson’s Letters From an American.

Former United States Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama Joyce Vance’s Civil Discourse is invaluable in keeping up with events in the national (and some state’s) legal systems. 

Robert Hubbell’s Today’s Edition Newsletter. Hubbell is another excellent legal mind with the habit of injecting at least a small dose of optimism in each post. 

Yale University Professor of History Timothy Snyder’s Thinking About for perspective on eastern Europe and Russia.

Dan Rather’s Steady, for the historical perspective that only a man still sharp as a tack and in his nineties can bring.

Thom Hartmann’s The Hartmann Report.

For national orientation and understanding, I subscribe to and read the posts of these Substack authors daily or whenever they appear. I encourage you to check them out and subscribe. These Substack writers offer depth and background I do not find elsewhere. Recommending them is my way of supporting Substack.

Keep to the high ground,
