Carmela Conroy for Eastern Washington

The Obvious Choice to Represent Real Americans

We, the voters of eastern Washington, have a historic opportunity this fall to elect Carmela Conroy as our Representative to the U.S. Congress, the candidate who actually represents the values and interests of a majority of eastern Washingtonians. 

Imagine for a moment, the wheat and potato farmers of eastern Washington (and, for that matter, the apple farmers of central Washington) who export their produce across the Pacific, having in Congress a Representative who speaks fluent Japanese, has served in multiple assignments with the U.S. State Department in Japan, and retains deep cultural ties in Japan. 

Imagine having a Representative in the U.S. House from our region who possesses a law degree and a thorough understanding of our legal system with three years and ten months experience as Deputy Prosecuting Attorney in Spokane County.

Imagine having as our Representative a woman who understands the broad world from the vantage point of having honorably served with distinction as an apolitical foreign service officer with the U.S. State Department for twenty-four and a half years in posts including terrorist-plagued Pakistan and Afghanistan; a woman who, as a result of that work, lists among her many endorsements include personal endorsements by seven former U.S. Ambassadors and the endorsement of the National Security Leaders for America, a group of 741 National Security Leaders, comprised of over 230 general and flag officers, including 15 retired four-star generals and admirals, 10 cabinet secretaries, 10 service secretaries, and 148 ambassadors.

Imagine a Representative who takes seriously the scientific consensus on issues like the reality and danger of human-caused climate disruption, who believes we should all have the freedom to make medical decisions about our own bodies and to decide whom to love, who believes that being “awake” to the complexities of our nation’s history is essential to avoid repeating our mistakes.

Imagine a Representative who is fully competent with military small arms but agrees with the vast majority of Americans that unfettered, unchecked, unregistered, indiscriminate availability of military grade weaponry is a lethal danger to our children and to society overall.

Imagine a Representative who grew up as the daughter and granddaughter of skilled union laborers, who paid her own way through college and law school (when that was still feasible without massive debt) and who understands the struggles of working families. 

That Representative for eastern Washington is Carmela Conroy. Don’t let this historic opportunity to have real representation in the U.S. Congress pass us by. What can you do to help? Read the details on her website; represent your opinion to friends, relatives, and neighbors; share this post (and any others you like) widely and freely. Donate to Carmela’s campaign. Volunteer. Get the word out. That is the biggest challenge—and word from person-to-person is the most effective. And, then, by all means—

Keep to the high ground,
