Tonight’s Ozzie Town Hall–Plus

Dear Group,

FIRST: The Threats We Face Town Hall this evening with Ozzie Knezovich starts seating at 5:30. According to the email from the Republicans of Spokane County, an email I’ve copied at the bottom of this window, there are already 400 people signed up to attend. If you plan to attend and have not signed up I encourage you to try to do so here. If you read it is “sold out” please read the email I copied below for directions. 

SECOND (A good alternative to Ozzie this evening): If you attended the Climate Rally downtown last Friday you saw a cadre of “Anti-Vaxxers” pushing a conspiracy theory-laced agenda with prominent signs. To me their message was out of place.

Tonight, at the Downtown Library from 7-9PM there is a free showing of the film, A Perilous Quest to Save the World’s Children, a documentary of the life of Dr. Maurice Hilleman, the microbiologist from Montana responsible for the development of more vaccines and for saving more lives than any other medical scientist of the 20th century. HIlleman’s story needs telling–along with the stories of Gallo, Sabin, Salk, and of the pioneers of microbiology of the 19th century.

Rumor has it the Anti-Vax crowd plans to protest the film, on what grounds it is hard to imagine. Do they consider a biographical documentary fake news? I have seen them in action testifying at Spokane County Health meetings. Those I saw were led by Rev. Ed Pace, the right wing pastor and one time City of Spokane Valley Councilman. I see the anti-vaxx protests as rooted in an anti-science, dis-information laced, right wing religious agenda. 

Whether or not the protesters appear, the documentary should be well worth attending. Whichever event you attend it should be an interesting evening.

Keep to the high ground,



EVENTBRITE–update on the 6-8PM Town Hall on Tuesday, September 24, at Center Place Regional Event Center. Here’s the link to sign up:

A Message from Republicans of Spokane County:

Thank you for reserving your seats for The Threats We Face with Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich.  We have had an incredible response with over 400 seats reserved.

This event is open seating so you might want to arrive a bit early but the doors will not open to the main event room until 5:30.  You must sign in to enter the main event room.  Tables with sign in sheets will be positioned at the entry doors.

If an attendee did NOT give their name and email at the time their seat was reserved there will be a separate table to sign in and ID may be required.

The event is scheduled for 2 hours, from 6-8, and there will be a Question and Answer session to follow as time allows. Press will be present.

If you have friends and family who would like to attend but seats are “sold out,” please let me know via email before Tuesday noon at  and I will manually enter them.  

Thank you again for your interest, this promises to be an exciting and informative event!

Beva Miles, Chair
Reoublicans of Spokane County