Planning vs. Sprawl, Part I

ime to pay some attention to the Comprehensive Plan

Is the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan a bit of an enigma? It’s time to learn and get involved. Starting today there are a series of 2PM local meeting that can serve as an introduction to the Comp Plan process and importance (see list below). You can attend in person or by Zoom. Below I’ve taken the liberty of copying Spokane County Commissioner Amber Waldref’s invitation to these meetings. On Friday in Part II I plan to expand on why the Comp Plan is important to our lives in our cities and in our county. Development isn’t just rows of new homes. Sensible, sustainable development requires well-planned streets, sewer, water, and fire protection (think wildfire) at a bare minimum—and within our boundaries we already have areas deficient in all those things. 

For now do a little digging and attend one of these meetings.

County Comprehensive Plan Meetings

I invite you to attend an upcoming County Comprehensive Plan Update Kickoff Meeting. What is a Comprehensive Plan? It’s a 20-year look ahead at how/where we want to grow as a community as our population grows. Where will we put more homes, businesses, and parks/trails? How will we serve future populations with water, sewer, and roads?

At these meetings, planning staff will provide info on the planning process (County must adopt a new plan by July 1, 2026), Spokane’s current/future population profile, elements of the plan, and take public comments and questions. You can also learn about opportunities to be involved in the process and specific chapters like climate resiliency, affordable housing, and open spaces/trails, which is extremely important. Join me in planning for our future! 

May 22, Wednesday, today| 2pm | Spokane Central Library, 906 W Main
May 23, Thursday, tomorrow | 2pm | Airway Heights Library, 1213 S Lundstrom
May 28, Tuesday, next week | 2pm | Cheney Library, 610 1st St
June 3, Monday | 2pm | Medical Lake Library, 321 E Herb
June 6, Thursday | 2pm | Spokane Valley Library, 22 N Herald

Join any of these meetings virtually using this zoom link.

More information on the Comp Plan and ways to get involved can be found here.

Keep to the high ground,
