The Local GOP and the Alt-Right

Dear Group,

I do not willingly associate with white supremacists, anti-Semitics, John Birchers, or the “alt-right” (see the P.P.S. for a definition). I do not willingly suffer wild-eyed conspiracy theories. Much less do I attend small gatherings to listen quietly to invited speakers express such views. It is all I can do to read their material on the internet, but I do read it in order to be informed. I find its abundance on the internet and the glossiness of its presentation disturbing. When I attend any small group meeting I exercise enough diligence to know something of the background of the people to whom I will be listening. If I knew a video of the meeting were going to be posted on the internet I would pay even more attention. Ignorance is not a valid excuse for having attended and applauded at these events. Cecily Wright and Rob Chase are quoted in the Spokesman falling all over themselves feigning ignorance. Take a tour of northwest for a flavor of what they peddle and consume.

I support the First Amendment right to free speech (with at least the standard caveats about not shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theater, of course). If some people feel the need to hold racist and/or anti-Semitic views and engage in wild conspiracy theories, then they are entitled to do so. Moreover, they are entitled to get together and discuss whatever festering ideas they wish. 

But here is where I draw the line: When a candidate or an elected official goes to the trouble of attending and applauding at Cecily Wright’s Northwest Grassroots’ hosting of James Allsup they demonstrate character and beliefs that should disqualify them for public office. Yes, it IS labelling. Labelling is absolutely the proper response. Consistent affiliation with a group like this should be widely noted. Rod Higgins, currently the mayor of the City of Spokane Valley, not only attended but took to the podium in the video (at 38:00 minutes) to demonstrate his scheming against and lack of respect for fellow elected council members. He acts like an autocrat, not the cooperative, thoughtful official voters have a right to expect. He shows a complete lack of respect for the people of Spokane Valley who voted these council members in. Rob Chase (current Spokane County Treasurer and candidate for Spokane County Commissioner) is a frequent attendee at NWGrassroots and a member of the audience appreciatively clapping Wright’s introduction of Allsup and Allsup’s speech. City of Spokane Valley council members Arne Woodard and Sam Wood and former council member “Pastor” Ed Pace are frequent attendees at the NW Grassroots meetings. 

Sheriff Knezovich speaks of a rift in the Spokane County Republican Party. Sheriff Knezovich is on one side and points to Matt Shea and Rob Chase on the other. I highly encourage you to read Daniel Walters’ coverage in the Inlander of Sheriff Knezovich calling out the far right ideology of Northwest Grassroots Knezovich says splits the local GOP. Now that the story broke his political instincts are nimble. He even coaxed a few young red-shirted McMorris Rodgers supporters to come with him to the anti-hate rally in front of the Court House last Thursday. I have a little sympathy for him, but not much. Where was he when the local GOP was showing all kinds of rot before this story broke, and how does he still support a president who panders to racists, a president dependent for his election on the votes from the alt-right that Steve Bannon stirred up?

McMorris Rodgers is not an overt racist or white supremacist, herself, but she sticks like glue to a Republican Party led by a man who cannot bring himself to condemn the alt-right, a man who thinks Alex Jones is a hero instead of a deranged conspiracy theorist, a man who continues to preach “It’s all working out. Just remember: What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.” – Donald Trump (7-24-2018)

The Spokesman on Sunday broke the news McMorris Rodgers accepted the endorsement of Matt Shea (R-LD4), a vigorous promoter of the sort of belief system exemplified (according to Sheriff Knezovich) by Northwest Grassroots. A least Ozzie is clear about whose endorsement he doesn’t want. He said he would “never consider asking for an endorsement from the Spokane Valley Republican [Shea].”

A few evenings ago I was told of educated people in the Northwest with a crystal clear understanding of history and a vivid cultural memory of 1930s Europe who have put together emergency “go-bags,” the things they would need, like a passport, to flee in case of emergency. They know the signs. For them a “go-bag” is a prudent investment. We need to pay attention.

I know of many and I hope for many more good, moderate, reasonable Republicans who will vote for Democrats this election in the hope of saving their Party from what it is fast becoming. Heaven knows there are a lot of good, skilled, dedicated Democrats running this fall, many of whom bring a lifetime of expertise from outside of politics. In the context of what I’ve written here, Ted Cummings, running against Matt Shea and Mary May running against McCaslin Jr. come quickly to mind, both for Representative seats in Legislative District 4 (Spokane Valley and a bit north). So do David Green for Treasurer and Michael Kirk for Clerk. 

I have met and talked with nearly every Democratic legislative candidate in Eastern Washington and every Democratic candidate running for office in Spokane County. I am confident that every one of the them is a decent, hard-working citizen with the best interests of the people they serve in mind. Never before in my life have I recommended voting a straight Democratic ticket, but I fervently do so now. It is time to clean house.

Keep to the high ground,


P.S. On my ballot there are two positions for which no Democrat is running, Spokane County Sheriff and Spokane County Commissioner. Mary Kuney for Commissioner is my overwhelming favorite over Mr. Chase. I have one of her signs in my yard. I also cast a somewhat reluctant vote for Ozzie Knezovich. He is preferable to this year’s competition.

P.P.S So we’re clear about what I mean, the alt-right or alternative right, is a loosely-connected and somewhat ill-defined grouping of white supremacists/white nationalists, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, neo-Confederates, Holocaust deniers, and other far-right fringe hate groups. (wikipedia)

Followup on Spokane County GOP’s NWGrassroots

Dear Group,

The Spokesman reported yesterday that Cecily Wright, Chairwoman of the Spokane County Republican Party, resigned in response to her exposure on a youtube video warmly welcoming James Allsup at a NWGrassroots gathering on July 11. Earlier, she had repudiated Allsup’s views for the purposes of a press interview. Spokane Valley Mayor Rod Higgins and Spokane County Treasurer Rob Chase (currently running for County Commissioner against Mary Kuney) were also in attendance at the tight little gathering of about fifty. The virtues of filling positions in the Republican Party to advance white supremacist doctrine were discussed and applauded. Higgins and Chase ought to consider resigning, too. 

Cecily Wright (not Stephanie Cates as I previously reported) was also the Chairwoman of the Spokane County Republican Party at the time of the Lincoln Day Dinner on June 2 where McMorris Rodgers and Jason Chaffetz spoke and an assault weapon was auctioned off. That contradicted the promise of the previous Chairwoman, Stephanie Cates, that they would not auction off “an AR-15.” (“AR-15” is common parlance for an assault rifle. The  M&P®15 SPORT™ II they auctioned is just an “AR-15” by another name.)

What has the local Republican Party become? It is certainly not the Republican Party of my parents. Abraham Lincoln, the founder of something then called the “Republican Party,” would weep to see what we have here. That the locals appropriate his name for their “Lincoln Day” Dinner mades me a bit ill to contemplate. What would the man who issued the Emancipation Proclamation think of NWGrassroots?

On that note, let us turn away and enjoy the weekend. There is much to do, much to enjoy. Be sure to vote. We still have that…

Keep to the high ground,


Republican Bedfellows/Rally This Evening (8/2/18)

Dear Group,

If you had any doubts as to what the Republican Party, even the local Spokane County Republican Party, has become and what it stands for, look no further than the video links in the following article. By the time you read this some of these videos posted on youtube by NWGrassroots may have been pulled. I watched enough on youtube to make me very nearly physically ill. Cecily Wright of Green Bluff is not only the new chair (since this spring when Stephanie Cates resigned) of the Spokane County Republican Party, she is also the Cecily prominent on the NWGrassroots webpage (scroll to page bottom). 

It is worth your while to check out the videos. You’ll see Cecily praising and welcoming James Allsup. On the longer one you see Rod Higgins, Mayor of the City of Spokane Valley, (around 41:00) candidly and nastily discussing his grip on the City Council. The contrast between the bland public statements of Cecily Wright disavowing James Allsup’s politics and videoed praise of him should make you ill. That any Republican candidate allows themselves to be associated this party apparatus taints any respect I had left for them. Remember the years it took to rid the northwest of the Aryan Nations? It feels as though the Aryan Nations has been resuscitated in the form of the local Republican Party. Chad Sokol of the Spokesman posted an article Tuesday evening on this topic. After you watch the video you will find laughable Wright’s, Higgin’s, and Chase’s pleadings of innocence and/or ignorance of James Allsup’s history and racist rants. Read also Shawn Vestal.

If you think you can stomach watching James Allsup’s self-congratulatory video documentation of his actions in Charlottesville it has been preserved here. He later deleted his post. 

Here’s the press release documenting all this:


Spokane County Courthouse
1100 West Mallon
Today, Thursday, 5:30PM
Facebook event here:

Spokane County Republican Leaders Host White Nationalist James Allsup.

Local organizations are holding a rally to unite the Spokane community against white nationalism on Thursday at 5:30pm in front of the Spokane County Courthouse.

Organizations uniting to respond include the Spokane Community Against Racism, Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane, the City of Spokane Human Rights Commission, Spokane NOW, Families Against Bigotry, Fuse Washington, Western States Center, Spokane Veterans for Peace, Raiz of Planned Parenthood, Greater Spokane Progress, and others.

An online video (archived here) shows key GOP leaders in Spokane County hosting hate group organizer James Allsup at a July event. Allsup is a prominent member of the white nationalist group Identity Evropa and participated in the deadly August 2017 Charlottesville, VA hate rally.

In June, Spokane County GOP Chairwoman Cecily Wright denied any affiliation with Allsup and stated that his “past statements, affiliations and actions are deeply out-of-step with the values of the Republican Party, as well as the values of the Spokane County GOP and our members.” However, the July 11th video shows Wright hosting — and praising — Allsup at a Northwest Grassroots gathering of conservative activists. City of Spokane Valley Mayor Rod Higgins and Spokane County Treasurer Rob Chase also participated in the event, as documented in this longer video (archived here).

“We cannot take for granted the integrity of our public officials when they denounce white nationalism in the press, while privately endorsing their leaders and values. We can’t reasonably assume public officials will uphold our rights when they applaud those who would harm us,” said Pastor Walter Kendricks, spokesman and co-founder of Spokane Community Against Racism.

“Our Spokane region has a strong track record of standing up against white nationalism. Together, we’ve defeated the Aryan Nations; we’ve defeated anti-immigrant, anti-gay, and anti-trans policies; and we’re committed to standing shoulder-to-shoulder with targeted communities to defeat this harmful ideology any time it tries to gain a foothold.” said Liz Moore, director of the Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane.

# # #


Liz Moore

pronouns: she/her


Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane

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Everyday people building a just and nonviolent world

See you at the rally.

Keep to the high ground,


Matt Shea and the Red Pill

Dear Group,

Many of you recognize the name Matt Shea, fewer know he has been the the State Representative from Spokane Valley, Legislative District 4, since 2008, and even fewer know how far out on the flapping fringes of conspiracy theory his ideas really are. 

Let’s start with this premise: If most voters actually spent the time necessary to get to know the candidates rather than voting based on name recognition or not voting at all, legislators like Matt Shea would be voted out. If I didn’t believe that I would fall into a fit of despair. 

Which brings me to Matt Shea and the Red Pill. The Red Pill Expo runs June 21-23, this Thursday afternoon through Saturday evening, at the Spokane Convention Center. For a mere $470.25 you can still get an all inclusive (apart from lodging) general admission ticket online. The only mention in the Spokesman Review occurred on June 10 and identifies the gathering as “Freedom Force Red Pill Expo Conference – Freedom Force International, June 17-26, Spokane Convention Center, 100 attendees.” If you visit the Freedom Force International website you find this whole thing is the brainchild of G. Edward Griffin, a now 86 year old conspiracy theorist who has pushed his views through books, films, and conferences. He is also the lead speaker among twenty-eight speakers at the Spokane Red Pill Expo. For much of his life Mr. Griffin has been a member and officer of the John Birch Society.

The term “Red Pill” comes from a scene in the film The Matrix, in which the protagonist is offered the choice of a red pill, representing truth and self-knowledge, or a blue pill representing a return to blissful ignorance. I invite you to explore the Red Pill Expo website and decide if any of their tripe represents the “truth and knowledge” they claim to offer.

Check out the twenty-seven Speakers. Copy and paste a name or two into You won’t be disappointed. My personal favorite is Lord Christopher Monckton, “Internationally known expert on climate change.” He has zero education or credentials in science, unless a British lordship qualifies. His education includes a degree in Classics and a diploma in journalism. His many other bizarre views byond vociferous climate denial are detailed and referenced in his wikipedia article.

In the second row of speakers at Red Pill is Washington State’s very own Matt Shea. His bio includes the statement: “As the ranking Republican on the House Environment Committee, Matt insists legislative decisions are based on sound, peer-reviewed science that protects both the state’s environment and jobs that preserve Washington’s quality of life.” Really?? A man without a single scientific credential who shares the podium with a cast of conspiracy theorists?? Sorry, if these are the peers to whom he looks for review…

To round out your acquaintance with this man I encourage a visit to his entry. Look under Personal Life and Controversy. Check out the links to articles detailing allegations made by his ex-wife and his experience threatening a motorist with an illegally carried pistol. Visit his Facebook page. Sample his leadership qualities expressed on his bi-weekly show on Patriot Radio broadcast on the American Christian Network. 

I still have hope that the average oblivious voter, even a standard fiscal conservative Republican voter, if they took the time to check out Red Pill might think twice about casting a vote for this man. 

I’ve met and talked with Matt Shea’s Democratic challenger in Legislative District 4, Ted Cummings. He’s the real deal. Visit his website, Make a donation. 

If you’ve followed some of the links in this article you will have confirmed a disturbing truth about the Republican Party in general. The Party may have the same name. It may claim descent from Abraham Lincoln. But today’s Republican Party is not even the Republican Party of the Bushes. Today’s Republican Party is well on the way down the road to right wing extremism. The election of Donald J. Trump has just shined a spotlight on the takeover. Leave them in office at your peril.

Keep to the high ground,


P.S. Several of Mr.Griffin’s books were published through the John Birch Society, a far right fringe group whose founder list includes Fred C. Koch, father of Charles and David Koch, current instigators of the Koch donor group detailed by Jane Mayer in Dark Money. William F. Buckley, Jr., for many years the intellectual underpinning of American conservatism and founder of The National Review, kept the John Birch Society identified as a fringe element of the conservative movement. With Buckley’s death in 2008 many would argue the Birchers have taken over the Republican Party with the help of the Koch brothers. This New Yorker article chronicles Buckley’s resistance to the JBS and the subsequent rise of the Tea Party. Written in 2010 the article foreshadows things that have now come to pass.

P.P.S. In case you missed it on the Red Pill website, a featured speaker at the Spokane Red Pill is the widow of LaVoy Finicum, the man who guaranteed his own death by pulling a gun on the law enforcement officers who pulled over his vehicle outside the Malheur Wildlife Refuge. Matt Shea visited the illegal occupation of Malheur in support of the occupiers…

Civics: Primaries

Dear Group,

The WA State Primary Election is Tuesday, August 7. That’s only 7.5 weeks away. You wouldn’t know it from the local media, but the ballots are set and the Voters Guide is already available on line. It is time to put your “all politics is local” hat on and get informed. Spend a few minutes right now for orientation. Go to, put in your name and birthdate. Explore. 

1) Check your Registration Details. Update as needed. Have you been a regular voter? Click the Voting History button.

2) Be Proactive. Do your homework. Write down on a piece of paper to display on your refrigerator what positions you get to vote for, who the incumbent is, and the names of candidates. (Obviously, you don’t need to write down the names of all twenty-nine primary contenders for the U.S. Senate Seat currently held by Maria Cantwell.)

3) When you see a yard sign or a news article quiz yourself: Is this person among my choices or is this a different District from mine? Who is this person? Your vote is a good tool. Use it wisely.


4) Figure out for whom you want to vote and why. Engage other voters in conversation about your choice. There is nothing quite like a suggestion from a friend or a respected acquaintance to influence voting behavior. 

For races for which you’re not already sure for whom you want to vote there are links to basic information about each candidate at the webpage. Talk with friends who might be familiar with the candidate you’re interested in. Go to a campaign event. Consider making a donation to the campaign. Visit the candidate’s Facebook page(s). You’ll be surprised how revealing THAT can be. 

Not already a registered voter in Washington State? The deadline for registration that will allow you to vote in the Primary is July 9. That is also the deadline to change the address to which your ballot will be sent. (Under the “Voter Registration Details” button, you can have your ballot sent to where you’ll be and still keep your official Residence Address–just remember to change it back!) It even looks as though you can use to fill out, print, and then send in that ballot.

Then take your newly oriented self out to a canvass. Spokane Indivisible is running one on Monday (see the box above). There are multiple other opportunities with the Lisa Brown Campaign and with the Spokane County Democrats. Come on out. Every time I find it hard to get started I remember the last time I went and how rewarding the conversations felt. These are great days to take a walk and meet new people!

Keep to the high ground,


P.S. For more orientation check out the Reference section below for links to Spokane County and WA State voting district maps. Know your turf!

Does CMR Understand Budgets?

Dear Group,

McMorris Rodgers beat the drum for the “Balanced Budget Amendment” at several recent town halls. It is a perennial favorite on the right. Currently it stands zero chance of passage, but she votes for it as a demonstration of her supposed credentials as a fiscal conservative. 

But there is something wrong here. McMorris Rodgers constantly harps about “getting control of the federal budget” and “the hard work of the appropriations process” and how “entitlements” must be controlled since they represent so much of non-discretionary part of the federal budget. All that sounds really important and difficult and essential, doesn’t it? She must be really smart to have her head wrapped around all that. 

In my childhood my parents taught me about budgets. I was expected to keep track of every penny in a little notebook. Back then I was taught budgets have both an income and an expense side. Making my budget balance required me to have…and to maintain…an income. 

McMorris Rodgers wants us to focus on the expenditures, but she really, really wants to keep us from thinking about the income side. Government budgets, just like personal budgets, have both. The income side of a government budget is taxes. McMorris Rodgers slashed that federal income last December with her vote for the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.” In fact, she cannot quit talking about that vote and how proud it makes her. Eighty percent of that government income was turned around and given to corporations and the already wealthy. 

The federal government does some really important things. It is supposed to fund maintaining and modernizing our infrastructure, the interstate highway system, bridges, dams, weather prediction, flood control structures. It certainly maintains substantial expenditures dedicated our common defense. It maintains relations with other nations. It provides funding for scientific research, looks after the purity of our food, guards against the spread of disease, tries to keep our air breathable and our water drinkable. Until recently, our federal government tried to improve the efficiency of energy use so as to make us less dependent on foreign oil. The federal government, at least since the 1930s forward has helped maintain and administer a social safety net. These are just a very few of what most of us think of as essential functions of our federal government. 

So why are McMorris Rodgers and her Republican colleagues so proud of reducing the income stream that helps support all this? Their donors certainly took notice. As an example close to home, the Schweitzers of Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories in Pullman waited until it was clear they were going to receive a good chunk of that money as a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Then they wrote checks for more than a half a million dollars to McMorris Rodgers’ campaign and Republican interests.

If you wish to “Balance the Budget,” Cathy, you have to consider both sides of the ledger. You just gave away a significant chunk of federal income (1.3 trillion over ten years). You gave most of that to corporations and the already rich. 

Oops! Horrors! After that income giveaway, suddenly we’re poor as a nation so we need to tighten out belts, we need to “rein in entitlements” we need to “balance the budget.”

Let us remember “entitlements” are things like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, programs that offer some small security for the common man. “Entitlements” aren’t something that benefit someone else, some imaginary faceless, nameless, lazy, undeserving slacker. No, “entitlements” are by and large the programs put in place starting with Roosevelt’s “New Deal” in the 1930s, programs many Republicans would like us to think sap the common man’s will to work. 

Of course, McMorris Rodgers has to use that word “entitlement” careful discrimination. For instance, the Steve Gleason Act, directing Medicare to foot the bill for expensive voice synthesis machines, well, the money for that can’t be an “entitlement.” Heavens no, that would be an “empowerment.” 

McMorris Rodgers’ often touted ABLE Act benefits people with disabilities like Cole, McMorris Rodgers’ son with Down Syndrome. I’m very much in favor of helping the disabled, all of them, not just the ones who happen to have relatives with money. ABLE offers a tax loophole for those folks demonstrating a disability before age 26. It allows each such person to establish or have established for them a special savings account in which money earned within the account accumulates tax free. Of course, someone has to have the money (maximum of $15,000 annually) to put in the account in the first place. The foregone taxes on the money earned in the account is money off the income side of the federal budget, isn’t it? Well, we certainly wouldn’t want to call that an “entitlement,” would we? (I prefer this to further enriching the already wealthy out of our tax coffers, but from a budget perspective it is still money removed. On top of that, isn’t this “picking winners and losers” among the disabled? Isn’t that supposed to be a terrible no-no for every Republican?) 

Then there is the renewal of the Medicare pass-through for, among others, an eye drug of negligible utility, a renewal McMorris Rodgers slipped into the Appropriations package. That was a 26 million dollar benefit to the Omeros Corporation, a drug company, over ten years, Apparently, that wasn’t an “entitlement” for Omeros’ stock holders. No, that would be a “improving access to life-changing drugs.” 

Isn’t it odd how it matters what you call things? A tax cut sounds appealing, but a giveaway of national income? Well, not so much. Yet, an income giveaway to corporations and the mega-wealthy is what McMorris Rodgers’ touted tax cut was. 

Budgets have two sides. McMorris Rodgers wishes us not to notice when she robs the income side of budget to give to the wealthy and when she chooses corporate and individual winners and losers. Now she wants to ratchet down on programs she has put in artificial jeopardy. 

Keep to the high ground,


James Allsup–GOP Precinct Officer

Dear Group,

Today I defer to Shawn Vestal’s article in the Spokesman from Wednesday, June 6th. It concerns James Allsup, an enthusiastic attendee of the Charlottesville torchlight parade, former President of the WSU College Republicans, current GOP Precinct Committee Officer in Whitman County, “Identitarian” and recent speaker at Identity Evropa. This is the supposedly respectable version of what in my youth was called, plainly and simply, a Nazi. That, of course, was a time when many were still alive and walked among us who fought to free the world from such people and their ideas. Today, In an era in which we have a President who refuses to explicitly denounce these people (for fear of losing his base?), we need to pay special attention to the folks his movement would vilify, deport, or worse. So come out on Saturday before you go canvassing (see above) and celebrate some of the diversity Mr. Allsup would love to quash for the sake of his sense of purity.

Keep to the high ground,
