McConnell’s Place in Hell

Dear Group,

In school it used to be taught (and perhaps still is) that the U.S. Supreme Court’s wise judges with their king-like, life-long appointments served the purpose of interpreting the Constitution, assuring the “rule of law”, and guaranteeing that our majority-rule democracy did not run roughshod over the human and Constitutional rights of the minority. It all sounded very august and comforting. I recall only vague awareness of dissent over how the Supreme Court functioned. I saw, but did not really understand, the “Impeach Earl Warren” bumper stickers. In high school history there may have been a passing mention of FDR’s attempt to “pack” the court with sympathetic judges. 

I was blissfully naive. With the perspective of age, experience, travel, and thought I now understand the Supreme Court merely as a sort of ballast to wildest impulses of the Congress, the President, and the people. The Republican/Libertarians have understood this for decades and have worked systematically to fill the Court with judges sympathetic to the concerns of the wealthy. You might ask “What about abortion? What about the ‘right’ to keep and bear arms? Aren’t those those the rallying cry of the Republicans?” Well, in a word, no. Certainly many Republican voters are passionately devoted to these issues, as carefully framed by the Republican thought machine and spoon fed by Fox News, Sinclair News, Rush and company. Indeed, one can hardly be a Republican without paying homage to gun rights and banning abortion…but they are just rallying cries, not the main point. Does anyone think most of the mega-wealthy members of the Koch donor group are passionately devoted to gun rights and banning abortion? Hardly. 

A primary, perhaps the primary, goal of the Koch donor group is to change the composition of the Supreme Court to represent the interests of business and the mega-wealthy over the interests of lesser folk, workers, unions, and, of course, Democrats.

Soon you will hear of the Supreme Court decision in the case of Janus v. AFSCME. It is likely to be another 5-4 decision, couched in supposed defense of the First Amendment Right of “free speech.” You might recall the deceptively named “Citizens United” decision (Citizens United-Part I) was also based on a supposed “free speech” right. In Citizens United “free speech” was the personal right of corporations to political speech. 

On the one hand corporations are supposed to have the “free speech” right as persons to spend unlimited money on political advertising. On the other hand, “free speech” is applied as a cudgel against mandatory union dues in Janus v. AFSCME. Read the Koch brothers’ Americans for Prosperity logic around Janus’ “free speech” here. Mr. Janus contends that, based on “free speech” he need not pay union dues. Never mind the union bargains for all employees and Janus would benefit from the results of that bargaining. In fact, there is even a unanimous Supreme Court case, Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, from 1977, that will be overturned when the current court finds in favor of Janus. 

When Janus v. AFSCME was argued back in February, Grover Norquist (famous for his quip about shrinking government to a size where it could “drown in a bathtub”) commented tellingly on his partisan hope for the Supreme Court to declare Janus the winner:  “Try funding the modern Democratic Party without union dues. Good luck.” 

Why does Mitch McConnell deserve a special place in hell? I offer this quote about Janus v. AFSCME from an article I encourage you to read here entitled “Little Scalia”:

It was for moments like these that Senator Mitch McConnell, in 2016, had engineered the unprecedented nullification of President Obama’s nominee to replace Scalia, when he blocked a Senate vote on Merrick Garland. To partisan Democrats, McConnell’s galling land grab wound up being a fitting antecedent to Donald Trump’s election: first a stolen Court seat, then an illegitimate president. For partisan Republicans, though, a solid right-wing vote on the Supreme Court made the chaos and lunacy of the Trump presidency tolerable. “But Gorsuch” has become the “Keep Calm and Carry On” of Trump-era conservatism.

Never forget that Mitch McConnell stole a seat on the Supreme Court from a moderate nominee, Merrick Garland, in order to push a 5-4 doctrinaire majority on the Supreme Court that shifts the judicial ballast toward the mega-wealthy, a shift that could far outlast the horror of the Trump Presidency by decades. This is not just “playing politics,” this is class warfare on a grand scale. The Koch funded Republican chattering class is using specious arguments around the First Amendment to tip the judicial scales back to the 1920s, possibly to the Gilded Age of the late 18th Century. Those focused just on guns and abortion are missing the point.

Keep to the high ground,


The Green Bluff “Conversation”


Dear Group,

 “Conversations with Cathy” are not “conversations.” In a conversation there is back and forth, a chance to hear a talking point and respond by questioning the validity of the point. A conversation is what I had with a Republican friend over a three hour breakfast a couple of weeks ago. I came away with a better understanding of the underlayment for his thoughts and he might have heard enough from me to shift his position a few mental millimeters. 

At the Green Bluff Grange night before last, Tuesday, May 29th, McMorris Rodgers held forth for an hour in front of an audience of about thirty. It turned out I chose a seat next to McMorris Rodgers’ mother. When I asked she told me she had heard of the Town Hall “from an email.” She offered that she wasn’t familiar enough with Facebook to know if it had been posted there. I offered that I had also heard “through an email.” Several of the others if the thirty in the room were paid McMorris Rodgers staff. Even with the very limited advertising, if one were to judge by the questions asked, the audience was divided about half and half between dyed-in-the-wool supporters and detractors. 

Evidence of the limited advertising was not hard to find. One woman I spoke with lives within a mile of the Green Bluff Grange and knows members of the Green Bluff Growers Association (of whom she thought only 4-5 were in attendance). She only heard about the gathering from my email the day of the event. The man sitting next to said he thought he’d seen something in the local community paper. He was very, very impressed that McMorris Rodgers would take time from her important work with President Trump and Paul Ryan to spend some of it with such a tiny crowd in Green Bluff. He later thanked McMorris Rodgers for her vote on H.R. 38, not mentioning it was the “Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act.” (See CMR’s “Courageous Conversations”) Clearly, the NRA (or his church?) was keeping him informed of important developments. 

In a conversation there is quite a lot of back and forth, a chance to challenge background. The crowd was too polite to get beyond niceties of letting her trigger all the mind frames she wanted.

Take the “Balanced Budget Amendment,” for example. At its mere mention there were approving murmurs. One commenter lamented out loud how they’d been working to pass a balanced budget amendment for years. No one, including me, butted in to point out that budgets have two sides, expenditures and income, No one pointed out she had just proudly dropped 1.3 trillion dollars from the income side of the ledger over the next ten years by giving 80% of that money to the already wealthy. No one, including me, probed to see if she had any concept of how a balanced budget amendment would work in the next economic meltdown. (How do you do a stimulus when you have to balance the budget?) No, the approving murmurs went unchallenged. The people of the approving murmurs were highly appreciative of McMorris Rodgers’ vote for a Balanced Budget Amendment even though all of us realize the vote is only symbolic, kept at bay by those evil, misguided Democrats–at least until such time as the forces of good rational capitalism can prevail. (To me this is a wake up call to pay close attention to all those seemingly quixotic votes on abortion, guns, the REINS Act, and many other issues. They may never actually pass–but tilting at these windmills unites the base.)

In short there was no “conversation” around the Balanced Budget Amendment. There was only a nod to a Republican/Libertarian shibboleth.

Net Neutrality? Ah. The regulation as it came from the Obama administration was bad, according to McMorris Rodgers, because it was based on 1930’s law concerning public utilities. “I’m in favor of ‘a law’ against ‘blocking and throttling’ that would apply to ISP’s AND tech companies.” OK. No one asked, including me, if she had put a bill in the hopper. Is this high on her priority list or is she just hoping we’ll forget and let it ride? Forget while the ISPs take up blocking and throttling, warming us slowly like the famous frog in the cook pot. If she tried writing a bill that would regulate anything of financial import her donors would have stroke. Don’t tell us you’re “in favor.” Write a bill, promote it, convince your colleagues, get it passed. 

Climate Change? McMorris Rodgers will not say if she subscribes to the science of climate change. She doesn’t want to be outed as an outright climate denier, but she gives a hint: “The Paris Accords would have wrecked the economy! We’ve already done our bit by improving the fuel efficiency of our cars.” In other words, either she denies the science of climate change or she has given up hope and given up cooperation, preferring a “race to the bottom” in which our children will deal with increasing climate disasters and the rich will build walls to protect their golf courses from the rising sea.

It seems odd she is so sure she can predict the economic future (we must cut entitlements to balance the budget!) and yet she denies the predictions of atmospheric science. The last I checked, atmospheric physics was far more reliably predictive than economics. 

There is more, but I’m out of gas. I hope many will attend today’s 3-4PM pseudo-“Conversation with Cathy” in Pullman. There is a rumor there will be national media in attendance. I hope you will press her for answers to questions I didn’t ask. There is another opportunity in Deer Park on Friday. See the Calendar below for details. 

Keep to the high ground,


Jason Chaffetz in Spokane? Really?

Dear Group,

This Saturday, June 2, the Spokane County Republican Central Committee will hold its “Lincoln Day Dinner 2018” at the Davenport Grand Hotel on W. Spokane Falls Blvd in downtown Spokane. Former Congressman Jason Chaffetz with “special guest,” FOX news contributor Deneen Borelli are featured. 

McMorris Rodgers is not listed as a speaker at the dinner, but she will likely be in attendance. Rest assured she will endorse the talking points. 

Apparently the wedding of the GOP to Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News propaganda empire is complete. Chaffetz, after resigning from the U.S. House of Representatives last year, immediately signed on with FOX as a contributor, a position that, according to Politico, is likely to pay better than his Congressional salary. It is also a position that will allow him to push his repugnant views to a large, receptive audience. For an exhaustive and thoroughly referenced list of his “Positions” I recommend reading Chaffetz’ biography in wikipedia. They read like comprehensive list of positions McMorris Rodgers would heartily endorse if she could just induce all her constituents to rely on Fox News for their opinions. That the Spokane GOP is embracing Chaffetz and Borelli as signature speakers (much like bringing Nigel Farage to Spokane last year) speaks volumes about the direction of the Party.

It is a shame most citizens do not take the time to explore the background of the folks who pose themselves as legitimate Representatives. Jason Chaffetz became infamous with his nationally televised iPhone gaffe during the debate over repealing the Affordable Care Act. You can watch his 52 seconds of fame here. The following is a quote from another article in the Boston Globe:

Before his announcement that he would not seek reelection, Chaffetz was criticized for equating health care coverage with purchasing an iPhone.

“Americans have choices and they’ve got to make a choice. And so maybe rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and they want to go spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should invest it in their own health care. They’ve got to make those decisions themselves,” Chaffetz told CNN in March.

For me, Chaffetz’ comment is emblematic of the entire Republican Party’s disconnect from the realities of  life in the United States. He clearly has no idea of the cost of an iPhone or the cost of health insurance, no idea of the risk of medical bankruptcy, no idea of all the tripwires and bombs in the fine print a citizen needs to avoid in the “free market” health care system to which he wishes to return. 

Chaffetz was elected to the U.S. House in 2008. In 2017, citing family and foot surgery, and after experiencing a hostile town hall and the fallout from his CNN interview, he withdrew from Congress. He took his repugnant policies to Fox News…and now he gets top billing at the Lincoln Day Dinner. Lincoln would gag.

You and a partner could meet Mr. Chaffetz at a private reception right here in Spokane for a donation of a mere $1000.  Here is Saturday’s schedule:

4:00 PM Private Roundtable Discussion in Governor’s Suite with guest speakers, Congressman Jason Chaffetz and FOX News Contributor Deneen Borelli.

5:00 PM VIP Reception in East Terrace Room and Cocktail hour in the Grand Ballroom.

6:30 PM  Dinner and Program begin in Grand Ballroom.

9:00 PM  Program concludes.

Here is another opportunity to take a walk…with a sign.

Keep to the high ground,


P.S. If you’re wondering why Chaffetz got so much coverage in the Boston Globe click here. Check out the section on “Early Life and Education.” Then read the section concerning the “U.S. House of Representatives, Election, 2008.” In the latter you will read an instructive story concerning polls, money, and winning elections.

CMR’s Town Hall Ruse

Dear Group,

The “Where’s Cathy?” campaign must not have been good public relations for McMorris Rodgers. Instead of responding with a full scale evening town hall or attending one of several to which she was invited, McMorris Rodgers is now investing our tax dollars in a series she calls “Conversations with Cathy.” They are gatherings offered on short notice, usually in small communities scattered around Congressional District 5. They are held at daytime hours that insure that anyone with an hourly job cannot attend. Laughably, they all come with the admonition, “**Space is limited. This event is first-come, first served**” On May 1 she held a “Town Hall” in Davenport on 24 hours notice on her website. It was hardly a surprise when there were only nineteen in attendance, seven of whom were on government salary and mileage. She could have held her gathering in a walk-in closet.

Watch for her and her handlers to make the claim she “leads the Congress” in holding town halls, in “reaching out to constituents.” 

This week McMorris Rodgers deigns to visit Eastern Washington once again, mostly to attend the Spokane GOP Lincoln Day Dinner and Fundraiser this Saturday, June 2, at the Davenport Grand Hotel. She will justify her visit to the region by racking up her tally of town halls and controlled “conversations.” Predictably, this ad appeared on McMorris Rodgers’ official congressional (not Cathy For Congress) Facebook page last Saturday at 9:41AM (the bold is mine):

This week, I’ll host two more town halls here in Eastern Washington to continue hearing from all of you on the issues facing Eastern Washington. Interested in joining? Find information below.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

“Conversation with Cathy” Town Hall
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Pioneer Center’s Whitman Gym, 240 SE Dexter Street Pullman WA
**Space is limited. This event is first-come, first served**

Friday, June 1, 2018

“Conversation with Cathy” Town Hall
10:45 am to 11:45 am
Deer Park Library, 208 S Forest Ave, Deer Park
**Space is limited. This event is first-come, first served**

All who can ought to attend. She needs to field some pointed questions. 

Keep to the high ground,


P.S. Buried in her incomprehensible official website,, is an otherwise minimally advertised town hall. It does not appear on her Facebook post that advertises the two other midday town halls on Thursday and Friday discussed below. Is this because the Green Bluff town hall is in the evening when people with jobs actually might be able to attend? There are questions to be asked.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

“Conversation with Cathy” with Green Bluff Community

When: 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Where: 9809 E Greenbluff Rd at the Green Bluff Grange #300 The best I can tell, you’d have be directed to this page or know to add “/events” to McMorris Rodgers’ official page in order to see this. The “Events” button on her Facebook page says she “does not have any upcoming events.” 

Memorial Day

Dear Group,

Today we contemplate the lives…and deaths…of those who fell in service to their country. A day to celebrate family, a day to celebrate what it means to be human. It is a day to visit cemeteries and decorate graves in remembrance of those lying in them. 

The origins of the Memorial Day (once known as Decoration Day) stem from a custom of springtime honoring of the dead, but the official U.S. Memorial Day has its roots in the aftermath of and attempts to heal from the Civil War, the last great conflict actually fought on our soil, a conflict that took the lives of more Americans than any other in our country’s short history, one from which we have yet to fully heal, one we would do well to remember–and contemplate.

As you gather for family barbecues take a moment to consider what it took to get these humans, our ancestors, to leave their homes, their family, their children, take up arms and march uphill to their deaths in a hail of lead. Consider those who exhorted them. Consider the preachers who backed them with justification of slavery, using words from a Bible shared with their Northern counterparts, both sides claiming proper literal interpretation. 

Marvel at what humans can be led to sincerely believe…and die for. 

On this Memorial Day, this holiday, this holy-day, take a moment to consider those who have gone before…all of them…and consider what it means to be human.

Back tomorrow.

Keep to the high ground,


CMR’s Message of Division

Dear Group,

Most of you received a copy of McMorris Rodgers’ 2 sheet, 2 1/2 page snail mail letter dated May 4, 2018. Carefully read it is a remarkable document of Republican/Libertarian messaging brought to you courtesy of your own tax dollars.

It starts with, “My mission is to restore trust and confidence in representative government and the rule of law.” Clearly, that can mean whatever the reader wants it to mean. Note the use of the word “restore.” The underlying message is that government has lost the trust of the people, the Fox News listeners, whom it is supposed to serve. You don’t restore something that isn’t broken. 

She leaps right into “Fighting for Seniors in Eastern Washington.” About half of the first page is a short story of McMorris Rodgers’ office helping out a Senior whose Social Security payments stopped coming. She writes, “I know that working through red tape and bureaucracy can be stressful and can feel like you’re getting the run-around…” The message was essentially “I can help you with the horrible red tape and bureaucracy that characterizes our federal government.” She poses herself as fighting the government for her constituents benefit. What a puzzling message about government for a Representative serving in Congress. 

The second page starts with “Protecting Social Security and Medicare.” Under that heading she leaps into the “sweeping ‘reform’ of the tax code” and tells her stock anecdotes of the benefits of the Republican tax law to the middle class, carefully avoiding, as she always does, the 80 percent of the Republican tax law proceeds that accrue to the benefit of corporations and the already wealthy. She is saying, “Look at the crumbs we threw your way! Don’t look at the whole package. You wouldn’t understand.” 

She tips her hat to “affordable and accessible health care.” Of course, she voted for the American Health Care Act (AHCA) which would have removed 23 million people from the health insurance rolls. Instead, she touts “transparency” and “competition” to make drugs more affordable. 

Near the end of the letter she takes one last jab, “Our budget process is badly broken…” She and her colleagues are bringing “commonsense reforms.”

Apparently, McMorris Rodgers and her Republican/Libertarian colleagues didn’t get the memo telling them they are actually in control of all three branches of the federal government. Since the 1990s the Republican/Libertarian propaganda outlets (Fox News was founded in the mid-1990s) and the Republican Party in general have been stoking anger and mistrust of the government of which they are a part, a government they now control. For the Republican Party there is no longer any “We” that encompasses government. There is no “We the People” who have gotten together to form a more perfect Union. Instead, it is “Us” against the evils of government. “I’ll do battle for you.” “I will fix this cursed thing.”

There is nothing quite like anger and distrust to unite followers to a cause. McMorris Rodgers is careful not to sound too shrill for eastern Washington, but her underlying message is the same as conservative talk radio. It is a message of conflict, mistrust, anger and disparagement—a message of division that runs counter to her frequent mouthing of the word “bipartisan.” Such divisiveness would have been utterly foreign to a statesman like Tom Foley. It is a message we should reject. Let’s put Lisa Brown in this office, a Representative who can work with, not against. 

Keep to the high ground,



If you’ve just signed up for the MWF 5AM Indivisible email written by Jerry LeClaire, you’ve arrived at the right place.

This website is a work in progress. It serves as an archive of my writing. I send an email between 4:45 and 5:15AM each MWF. Depend on it. If you’re signed up to receive it and it doesn’t appear in your inbox check your Spam folder and your Promotions folder. If you still cannot find it please let me know at  I’ve learned that email is not the sure thing I once thought it was.

I hope you find what I write useful.

Keep to the high ground,
